Wednesday, May 18, 2016

These Happy Golden Years - Prairie Primer 2016

 Another eventful month of working on the Prairie Primer unit study came to close. This was my absolute favorite book as a young teen! Can't tell you how many times I read it, being the romantic that I am. Laura's uncle was a logger, so Josiah taught us about logging in the west. Love this picture of an entire school sitting on the stump of an enormous old-growth tree.
This picture shows people using a huge stump for a dance floor!
 Naomi was a suffragette and taught us about how women got the right to vote.
Hailey explained to us the history of beading and what materials beads can be made out of. she showed us a few of her own creations. 

Alli explained the differences between eggs in chicken breeds and also showed us the differences between store-bought eggs and home-raised eggs. 

The store-bought eggs were much paler in color and more watery. 

We also examined the little air sac that baby chicks peck as they struggle to break out of the egg. God thinks of everything, doesn't He?

 Delicious dinner of fried chicken, deviled eggs, cottage cheese and salad boats.
 Last day the girls worked on their sunbonnets. 
They are done! Didn't they turn out great?!!! So proud of them for finishing them and not giving up even when it was boring and hard. 

Gracia made this beautiful wedding cake in honor of Laura and Almanzo's wedding. What a treat for the last week of working on "These Happy Golden Years"! Gracia is just getting better and better and making cakes and even starting make them as a little side business. 

 Naomi taught us about sound and sound waves and how the ear works.

Josiah taught us about gemstones- something he is very interested in! 

Roast beef (elk), boiled potatoes, onions and carrots and creamed peas for dessert the second week.We always eat very well, don't we? The food is half the fun when doing the Prairie Primer!

Only one more book left! This year is going too fast. We're learning so much though. What a blessing to be able to homeschool and do an in-depth study of these books. What fun we've had!

God Bless,