Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Different Stage of Life

I'm excitedly moving into a different stage of life this week. As most of you know, I'm a SAHM, but I'm also a soil scientist. Since having children, I have a home office and I work part-time. The situation has been ideal since Michael went back to school full-time and we really needed the extra income.
As you can imagine, adding homeschooling to the mix, and with Josiah getting involved in more things, it has been pretty tough to get my hours in everyday. However, God's timing is perfect in our lives. With Michael graduating soon, it is taking some pressure off. Things have been slowing down in my job, so I called my boss (he's the greatest boss and such a blessing) and asked if I could work on an as needed basis. That worked out great for him, too. He doesn't have to give me busy work, just to keep me working and I don't have to work unless I'm needed. He said when he did have work for me, I could work it into my schedule however I wanted. PTL!
For the last two days, I've enjoyed working in the yard, doing a few crafts with my son, really focusing on some new homeschooling concepts, and playing soccer in the backyard. It has been wonderful! I've even folded laundry in the middle of the afternoon instead of in the evening. It was so weird, but I can get used to it. I know we are going to have to be even more careful with our finances, but it will be worth it. God will work out the kinks if we are faithful with what he's given us. Just had to share my good news.


  1. I am really happy for you!! How exciting!!!!

    Hey, I was wondering what your recipe for bbq sauce is? I have one that I use for meatballs, but was thinking of trying a different one for grilling chicken with. Thanx!!

  2. Hey Jackie!

    Love all of the pictures of baby Lily!

    We do love our tag-along bike. That's what we call it. I think REI might call it something else. You can find them used for really good prices. WE paid $40 for ours and it's definately not high quality. You should check craigs list. I bet the Hood River craigs list would have LOTS! You could keep checking there and have your brother in law or your sister check it out for you.

    I wish we had bought a better quality one. Not sure it will last thru Ethan as well, and there is only one attachement, so it's kind of a pain to switch bikes. The new ones are so much easier!

  3. CB,

    Today I went to the Old Firehouse Museum, the Bakery and the Library all in one morning. I'm having so much fun! Thanks for your well wishes.

    I have a really good BBQ sauce I make in the crock pot. It is really versatile and it freezes really well, too. You can make it as thick or thin, sweet or sour as you like using my basic recipe. It is under Labels -> recipes - condiments. Good luck!

  4. Hey again,

    Yeah, I think you can get a cheap one if it's in good shape. Ours was probably very well used before we got it. So, if it's new or in good shape, inexpensive is good. yeah, Noah is NOT fitting in the trailer at ALL! bummer huh! The bike shop in town town LG sells them, just to give you an idea on price! Let me know what you come up with!

  5. I am sorely behind on reading your entries, I'm going to catch up though! And as for the to-do list, the secret is noting I said "we"...couldn't do it w/out my hubby, as I'm NO wonder woman! But thanks for the encouragement, I'll strive on!

  6. Oh, and I forgot to say that some of our tasks were done yesterday! My hubby's got a new schedule (equally ridiculous as the past one, but on different days!), so he was home a little this week so far and I was grateful for his help! Wowsa, that would be quite an accomplished day...maybe when my kids are older, but right now they still need me every few minutes so I succeed at very few chores/tasks per day usually!!!

  7. All I can see under condiments is your ketchup recipe, maple syrup, & one other one...I can't see the bbq one. Sorry if I am missing it somehow........

  8. CB,
    I'm sorry I didn't have it posted as bbq sauce. I had it under another recipe. I apologize. I just posted it all by itself so it will be easier to find. Thanks for your patience!


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