Sunday, June 21, 2009

Father's Day - 200 Mile Ride

On Saturday we hired a babysitter and went on an all day ride through the Blue Mountains. Larry (my step dad) rode behind Mom and I rode behind Michael. It was absolutely gorgeous scenery. The weather was cold at first but praise God it wasn't raining. Once we got to Granite it started to warm up a little. It was sunny and the perfect temperature once we got to Sumpter. In this picture we were stopping for lunch at a little cafe "downtown".
We're just about ready to take off in this picture.

As you can see, we were bundled up pretty good. I look like a southwestern biker chick. Kinda weird, I know.

I wanted to ride so bad, but Michael wouldn't ride behind, so I had to settle for getting on when he wasn't looking. Riding is just too much fun! In fact, he was pointing to something while we were going around a corner and I told him to watch the road. He said, "Do you want to drive?" I said "Yes!". He didn't ask me that again. LOL!

I guess I'm a 3rd generation biker chick. I'd love to get my grandma in some leathers for a picture! Here's Mom and I at the Sumpter Valley Dredge. It mined the valley for gold a long time ago. It is really neat because you can go look inside now. We also took the time to visit the Sumpter Pioneer Cemetery. Mom and Larry were gifted plots there by one of their friends (weird gift). So we went and saw where they would be buried. It was a little strange but it was nice to see it was in such a beautiful place. Of course, my mom had to lay down with Larry next to her where they would be buried and try it out. I got pictures with her camera but forgot to get one with mine. I know, our family has a weird sense of humor! Anyway, we had a great time. Rode 200 miles in one day. I can't wait to do it again! That's the great thing about Oregon, there is never a shortage of beautiful places to ride.


  1. Wow, you can go in the dredge now? I would love to do that with the kids sometime. It's just so far away!

    Looks like you all have a good time.

  2. Howdy! I just wanted to come by and thank you for commenting about what works for you as far as working out and all because I know that people do read the comments. I always say I have the best commentors in the blog world and you are now one of them! LOL.
    Hope to see you again!
    Oh yeah and it looks like you had a blast in this post. I loved the "do you want to drive?" comment! LOL I would have answered YES too.


So many blogs, so little time. If you leave a comment, I'll do my best to stop by your blog for a visit. Thanks for taking the time to encourage me today! Please ask permission before taking pictures off of my blog. Thank you!