Friday, July 31, 2009

Latest Josiahism

We were at the county fair yesterday (I forgot my camera) and we were in the pig barn. Josiah came running up to me and at the top of his voice yelled, "Mom, Mom! Did you know boy pigs have milkers, too?"


  1. OH NO! Too funny!!! I love the things kids say!!
    Happy Friday to you.

  2. Hi I just stopped over from Kim's and her Friday Funnies post. I saw your title and thought I would stop by. I have a son named Josiah too. But he is 15 now! And His name is not very common. I love meeting new blogging friends so I thought I would stop by. Your story is absolutely funny! I can see why you would name your title "Latest Josiahism" I would love to come back and read up some more about you and your family. If you are interested, please stop by and meet me and my family too sometime. Thanks so much,
    Christy Rose

  3. That's cute, Jackie. My 3-year old grandson was taken to the "Kiddie" pool the other night. When they arrived Marcus looked and looked and looked. Kelly asked him what he was looking for; he said, "Where's the Kiddie Cat pool, daddy?"

  4. Did he get that milkers thing from Andrew? LOL!

  5. That is so cute! Thanks for sharing!


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