Thursday, November 19, 2009

Josiah and his Blue Bomber

Last Saturday, Josiah was able to participate in the AWANAS Grand Prix now that he is a Spark. He was unbelievably excited about racing his "Blue Bomber". This being his first race, we had no idea what to expect. We only had time to help him paint his car blue. His was the only car there that didn't even have headlights. We had no idea that kids really get creative with these cars. Oh, well, next time! Despite his lack of accessories, we must have got the weight distributed pretty well. Josiah had a blast racing and won 5 medals (two 1st place, two 2nd place and one 3rd place). Can you tell by the picture that he's just a little bit excited? Trust me, everyone in the room new he won! He's a very enthusiastic kid...hum, kind of like me :P !
He's putting his car on the starting line.

Waiting patiently for his turn in the "pit".

Mom and Larry came over for the event. They are so good about coming over for the kid's activities. Josiah and Hailey were thrilled to see them. Hailey's always happy to see "her Larry Pop". They have a really special bond. How about those yard sale boots? Aren't they adorable? Michael was able to be there, too, which even made it more special for Josiah. Of course, he had the loudest cheering section when he raced, since we're such quiet people ;) He's already making plans for next year. He's thinking camo for decorations... surprise, surprise!
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  1. Oh how fun!! My Josiah used to race pinewood derby cars each year too. He always won!! I think he and Aaron had the winning formula for the fastest car ever!! It used to be so much fun watching him grinning from ear to ear just like your Josiah is here in this picture. Memories to last a lifetime!!!! :)

  2. Jackie, That sounds like so much fun. Congratulations to your son!!! My kids have participated in fishing rodeos and had the best time. Great pics:) Can't wait till next year to hear all the fun. I bet he is already picking his car out. Blessings, Audrey

  3. My boys love the AWANA Grand Prix, although they have never won. We'll work extra hard on their cars this year. What fun for Josiah!

  4. Congratulations Josiah! That looks like a lot of fun!

  5. That is just so cool! My kids are thrilled for him!

  6. Christy,
    So what was the winning formula? Do tell!


  7. Great pics Jackie...looks like a fun evening was had by your two! :)


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