Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Christmas Part 1

On Christmas morning I was up at 5:30am. I waited impatiently until the kids got up (after 8am). We ate breakfast then sat down to open our stockings. I made Josiah and Michael wear their camo Santa hats. Michael is holding up a mug that says "Operation Iraqi Freedom - Veteran". He had found this mug someone had left behind when he was in Iraq and brought it home. Somehow he broke it and he was always bemoaning the fact. I got on-line and managed to find the exact mug. He was thrilled!

Michael took this picture of me. Not the best, but the only one I have since I was behind the camera the majority of the time. Michael got that Lord of the Rings "Evening Star" necklace and earring set when he was in Iraq. He had it shipped to me. I still love it!

We waited to open presents when my mom, step-dad and grandma came over at 10am. Josiah could hardly stand the wait. At one point he asked if he could call them to see how far away they were. My mom told him about 10 minutes. I walk into the living room to see that he had set the timer for 10 minutes on top of his present from Santa and was drumming his fingers impatiently. I was able to snap a picture before he realized I was behind him.

Just before we started opening presents we did the last devotion associated with the Waiting Tree. Always a great way to refocus that Christ is the reason for the season.
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  1. I just love the joy and innocence kids bring to Christmas. It just makes you feel like a kid again.
    It's so hard for them to wait isn't it?
    And the picture of you is great!

  2. oh i love the picture of your boy waiting with the timer...priceless!! :)

  3. All the pics are perfectly wonderful. Your Mom and Larry look good, relaxed and happy...as well as you g'ma. Waiting is the pits though. Did they have stockings they could get into???? Your dinner sounds divine too.

  4. Yes, waiting was hard for Josiah. We opened the stockings first. I thought that would stave his appetite, but it only increased it. He was dying to unwrap his gifts. I think next time we'll just let him go for it after the devotion, LOL!

  5. Josiah is so cute with that timer! What a memory!

    That mug sure looks familiar!

  6. Happy Belated Christmas!
    I have to tell you a couple things.. We were watching one of the Lord of the Rings Movies last night and I saw your necklace! I remembered you posting about it so I had to come back and tell you! It's so beautiful...
    And, my son is a HUGE Lego guy! He will be 11 this year. This is one of those gifts that will last forever! My son and daughter make new designs out of them too. It's pretty funny.
    Love that you were impatient and had to wake for the kids to wake up:) Another testimony of your wonderful heart...
    My son came into our room at 4am with a flashlight - oh my.. I was not ready!
    One more: My husband ordered coconut oil...we have been using organic sunflower oil for high heat cooking..
    Happy New Year to you and your entire beautiful family...


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