Tuesday, March 30, 2010

It's Demolition Time! Let the Games Begin!

On Saturday, while the kids were still gone, Michael and I knocked out two walls, plus the ceiling in our dining room. It was super fun but hard work. I'm learning so much about the construction of a house. While the house is a disaster, (it has been raining and snowing since Monday, so mud everywhere), we are still pushing on, despite not having central heating and open windows and doors with nothing but plastic between us and the outside. Thank goodness for our new fireplace where we go to warm up occasionally.Here is a picture of the area we demo'd before we moved all the furniture out. As you can see, the office and the dining room are crammed in together.Here is the picture of our front door, which is now gone. We removed this entire wall as well. Hopefully you can see how much space we are gaining by knocking out these walls. It'll really open up the living area as well as create a new office/homeschool space. I'm standing on the inside of our house taking the picture of Michael demolishing the old dining room wall. You can see my new windows peeking through!I knocked out the living room wall, then removed the door. We were able to give it to a friend who needed it as we ordered a new fiberglass door that has a window in it, with shades that open from the inside of the glass. More light and privacy!At the last minute, we decided to tear out the sheet rock on the dining room ceiling because we are going to put B-board (wainscoting) up with crown molding on the living room, hallway and dining room ceilings. Saw it in a Better Homes and Gardens magazine and it looked awesome! This was such a nasty job. I couldn't stand the feeling of all that dirt and debris falling on top of my head. So glad this part is over. 

Lots more going on since this weekend. Kids are home and we are trying to keep everyone warm. I've had to go into work for some soil database training. Sooo glad I'm normally a stay-at-home mom. It is hard to get out of the house with kids by 8:00AM. I felt bad for having to wake them up. They were so cranky this evening. House was an absolute disaster. Poor Michael trying to get dinner on the table. I've got another half day of training, then I'll start working from home again a few hours a week between homeschooling and homemaking. I've got the greatest boss on the planet, he is super supportive and very understanding of family life. So blessed! As you can see by this project we could really use the money :)

Well that is all for now. I'm saving all your comments in my email box so I don't forget to visit your blogs as soon as I'm able again. 

God Bless,


  1. Busy, busy, busy. As I've stated before, I can't wait to see it "for real" this summer!

  2. Thanks for sharing the pictures. I remember when we were at the demolish part,,fun but overwhelming. I kept covering myself in prayer...and just meditating upon our Father's goodness....this is a lot of work for you, but it IS a blessed time also..God is doing a new thing...and it is marvelous in our eyes!!

  3. Wow! You guys are going at it! You are so going to sit back when this is over and go, WOW! WE did that? I know it's going to be fabulous my friend.

  4. Jackie...that first photograph of you is priceless; you look like a woman who means business! Lol! Fair play to you for getting stuck in with the power tools and all!

    Thank you for sharing this momentous event in your home; its great to be able to see each stage at its completion! Can't wait to see the finished product!

    God Bless

  5. I'm even more impressed that you guys plugged along, even through the rain and snow! I know it's going to be wonderful when it's done. Can't wait to see it!


  6. It all looks so amazing! What an adventure, and can't wait to see how it all pays off for your family! (p.s. i wouldn't like the ceiling stuff falling on my head either!)

  7. Woohoo, progress!!! I can't wait to see it when you finish. It's gonna be great! Ya'll have a happy Easter.

    God bless and have a wonderful Wednesday!!!

  8. Look at you get right in there and work so hard! I am truly impressed!! It will be so fun to see all that you all accomplished when it is all finished!

  9. Whoa! What a big job, but it sounds like it will be well worth it.

  10. Love the pictures! Looks like you're doing great. Love that you're sharing along the way. Sounds like you're definitely staying busy.
    In His love,

  11. You guys are very industrious!!! I love house remodeling -- of course, we paid a contractor to do ours, back in Texas. I admire you guys for doing it yourself!

  12. Wow! You are doing a great job!


  13. Looks like it's coming along! Did you get the wiring done before the inspector showed up?

    Lucky you have that stove. Hopefully the heat is back on by now.

    See you this weekend!
    Love - Mom

  14. Wow, Mom! Glad to see you comment on my blog at last ;)Good to see you on here.

    We didn't get the wiring done until Wednesday, but we passed both inspections on that day. Yeah! Don't have doors until next Wednesday though, so no heat except our gas fireplace. At least the living room is warm :)

    Can't wait to spend some time with you this weekend!


So many blogs, so little time. If you leave a comment, I'll do my best to stop by your blog for a visit. Thanks for taking the time to encourage me today! Please ask permission before taking pictures off of my blog. Thank you!