Thursday, April 15, 2010

Dance, Hailey, Dance!/Homeschool Exhibition Night

Our Hailey Baby loves to dance,  just like her mama. She loves to put on this ballerina dress and twirl around to any kind of music. The song she was dancing to when I took these pictures is called "Maker of Life" and it is the same song my sister sang to her at her baby dedication two years ago. It is so precious seeing her dance to it. Let me tell you, she's got the moves! Josiah did us proud at the first annual homeschool exhibit night. Our local Christian homeschool group decided to put on a once a year event where all the homeschoolers can have a chance to show off what they've been learning that year. It was a resounding success! Josiah was the first one to speak and did a presentation on the "Life Cycle of a Mouse". He did very well, especially considering he had been extremely ill the night before. He also had a table set up with some of his favorite books about insects, composting critters and even his old fashioned pen and ink set with parchment paper. Some kids had incredible art, models and Legos displayed. I really appreciated this event because it gave the kids a chance to speak in front of their peers as well as adults. My mom drove over the mountain to see it and was thoroughly impressed by all the homeschoolers' presentations. I was surprised at the turn out of all the extended family members and friends who came to watch. It really was fantastic and I can't wait for next year. 

There seems to be 24 hour flu going through our house. Hailey had it, Josiah had it and now Michael's got it. I'm praying I don't get it as I really want to go to the regional MOPS Summit this weekend. Please pray for Michael and I, thank Michael gets better quick and I don't get it at all! Hope you all have a wonderful weekend. 

God Bless,


  1. Oh Jackie, little Hailey is so sweet! She looks adorable swirling and twirling about in her dancing dress!

    Great news on your sons presentation! Was he nervous at all? Way to go Josiah! Woohoo!

    There is flu viruses going around here too. All mine have had it; Amy and Dylan still have a lingering cough but Brian seems to still have it...thank the Lord I seemed to have escaped! I do hope you all are in full health again soon!

    God Bless

  2. Oh your daughter is soooo cute! Just a precious angel in a tutu!
    And yeah for your son. That is always a neat thing to do as a group.
    And I pray that you don't get the "bug".
    Have a great weekend.

  3. My daughter loves to ballet too. And since she was a baby, if I put on Irish music she just goes crazy popping around doing a jig like dance. It is soooo funny.

    I've played classical music with her since she was in the womb. She listens to it every night.

    Hailey is just so cute.

    I am sure you are so proud of your boy. You should be proud of yourself too. I admire homeschool Moms very much. I applaud you.

    Have a wonderful day.

  4. The dancing is precious, and the exhibit presentation is awesome! I don't think I could have spoken in front of that many people at his age---or even now honestly! Woo hoo! Stay well!

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Sarah,
    Josiah wasn't a bit nervous. There were probably 60 people there! I was amazed at how comfortable all the homeschoolers were when they presented. I remember being terrified of public speaking when I was a kid/teenage. Thanks for your well wishes. I still haven't gotten the bug as of this morning. Hoping and praying I don't.

    I love Celtic music, too. I have a particular jig I love to do. Hailey just begs me to dance it and then she tries to copy me. I can't wait till she's old enough to start taking her to our local folk dancing society. Michael and I were very involved before kids. As soon as they are able to stay up later, we'll start going again. Thanks for your sweet comments about homeschooling. I absolutely love it!

  7. She is absolutely beautiful twirling around. A natural talent.

    And that was great your son did well - and going first and all. I have a litle fear of public speaking so I give him kuddos.


  8. Oh that is just too sweet. I love her little dress. my girls had one similar when they were in dance.
    How fun for your son to show off what he has been learning. praying now that you all are better.

  9. Perfect song for Hailey to dance to.

    Josiah looks so grown up and responsible. Those charts have come in handy, haven't they.

    Hope you don't get sick, Sis!

  10. Your children are so cute and sweet! I just LOVE their red hair and Hailey's seems to really stand out in these photos. I know you're proud of your boy - as you should be.

    I will pray that you don't get sick and that your hubby gets better quickly!

  11. Hailey is adorable!

    And wow! How great that Josiah got up with a microphone and did a presentation. My kids a couple of my children are so shy they would faint dead away at the suggestion.

    I will pray that Michael feels better soon and that you escape the nasty stomach yuck.

  12. Way to go Josiah!

    We had a 24 hour bug at our house a few weeks ago too but I was the first to get it. No fun.

  13. Jackie,

    Your children are SO precious! How great that your son is already getting up in front of others and speaking. That will be such a great help to him when he is older. I hope your family is on the mend by now...but I will definitely keep you in our prayers. I know how that whole flu thing goes. It is not fun!


  14. What lovely pictures. I know you are so proud of your little ones. I am glad that they did so well. So sorry you are having to deal with the flu. I hope everyone will be well soon. Have a great day.

  15. Cute kids!

    Visiting here today. 'Cheese-making' caught my eye. Here in Wisconsin, we're known for our cheese! It's a main staple around here, I tell you what...

    Debby (Heavenly Humor)


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