Thursday, August 23, 2012

First 5K Race!

When I started jogging for the first time ever last summer, my step-mom, Diana (who is a speed walker) said she wanted to run a 5K race with me. I laughed and thought, yeah right! Like I could ever run 3.1 miles! I got up to jogging/wogging 2 miles last summer, than this year, I decided to get serious and work myself up to 3.1 miles so I could do that 5K with Diana. I wanted to step into her world and find out why she loved racing so much. I'm glad I did and I feel like God used it to strengthen our mother-daughter bond.

We decided to race in the Catherine Creek Classic, and I started to train for it. Just before the race, I was running 3.5 miles very slowly. I was just happy to know I could jog the full the distance and survive!

This is Diana and I after the race. We ran together the whole time and made it almost 30 minutes flat. I was so happy to have shaved my time down to just under 10 minute miles. I came in 4th place for my age division, but the best part is Diana came in 1st in her age bracket. I'm so proud of her! It was fun running with her and it pushed me farther than I thought I could go. I'm definitely going to be doing this at least once a year with her from now on, Lord willing. We are now trying to get my sister to join us for a 5K next summer. Diana is speed-walking the Hood to Coast relay race this weekend. I'm praying she'll do really well and have a great time. Nothing like an upcoming race to motivate you!

I used to think people were crazy for wanting to run, let alone race. I guess it's a official - I'm crazy! 

God Bless,


  1. Yippee!!! Congrats my friend! :)


  2. Congratulations!! That is awesome!!


  3. You GO, Girl! I'm so proud for you. What an inspiration.

  4. Yay - I'm so glad to hear that you enjoyed it! Congratulations! :)

  5. That is great! How exciting for you both, great job!



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