I've been meaning to post this for awhile. I graduated from MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers) this year. I was in MOPS for about 5 and half years. I'm a huge fan. It got me through the tough early years of raising babies and toddlers and gave me a support system of awesome mommy friends that I will always have. I learned so much from being a table leader for three years.
I think MOPS is especially helpful for military moms, single moms and moms that don't live near family. That support system you create through MOPS is vital.
Many people don't realize that when your children reach 1st grade you graduate from MOPS. MOPS has a MOPS Next group for moms with school aged children, but I haven't found the need for that since we have found such great support through our local homeschool group (many of those families I met through MOPS).
At my last meeting it was so cute, the leadership put on a little graduation ceremony, complete with hat and "diploma" had a hand-written tribute poem to each of us, written by my creative friend, Laurie. The diploma said this,
By Laurie Delaney
I think I shall never see
A lady as lovely as Jackie.
For who can single-handedly give away
Every MOPS business card that comes her way?
As a Table Leader, she's given 3 years
Through ups and downs, and sometimes tears.
Her MOPS table is rarely empty,
For all her friends, she has plenty!
Jackie always supplies a listening Shoulder
And offers prayer and support to those who know her.
A passionate speaker; a constant student,
Dedicated wife, mother, sister; interesting and prudent.
Her zest for life runs far and wide
Gardening, cooking from scratch and homeschooling fill her time.
Many years Jackie has given to MOPS
We will miss our graduate - we think your TOPS!
Poems are written by sillies like me,
But only God can make a Jackie.
*Adapted from the poem "Trees by Joyce Kilmer
Not only that, but they gave each of us a hand made gift that represented our personalities. They know I love aprons and motorcycles, so Laurie sewed this sweet apron for me.
Here is a close up of the material with vintage motorcycles all over it. How cute is that? We all felt so loved and appreciated by those wonderful poems and gifts. We will cherish them always, just as we will continue to cherish the wonderful friendships we have formed that will last a lifetime. I'm so blessed to have been a part of this awesome group.
Thank you MOPS for all I've learned and most of all for drawing me closer to my Savior, Jesus the Christ! If you are anywhere near a MOPS group and looking for some great "mommy connections", get thee to a MOPS!
God Bless,
Congratulations Jackie! That is so awesome to find a group like that--community and Christian fellowship are SO important!
PS: Pretty cool poem adaption!
That's a neat little poem. How nice that everything was personalized just for you! They really paid attention to who you were. I'm glad you had the opportunity to do this. Makes me wonder what I might've missed.