Monday, January 19, 2009

Scrapbook Camp

I just got back from a fabulous 4 day scrapbook camp at my mom's house in Pendleton. Stacie left all her kids with Steve and I did the same with Michael. We had so much fun! Aside from scrapbooking 61 (12 x 12) pages, we managed to go to the famous Hamley Restaurant and do some clothes shopping with my friend, Paulette. The advantage of being a twin is that you can go shopping for post-pregnancy clothes and be very pregnant at the time. I tried on a bunch of clothes for Stacie (of course we imagined the bust being MUCH larger) and she came away with some nice clothes that will fit her after the baby is born. Everyone should have an identical twin!

Michael had a great time with the kids as some friends of ours invited them to go on a wagon ride to see a wildlife viewing in North Powder. They invited him to dinner that night, so he didn't have to cook. Thanks Jodi and Joseph! It was really sweet of them.

Now, I'm just trying catch up on everything around here, although Michael did a great job of keeping the house clean while I was gone. What a guy.


  1. I'm so glad Michael had fun with the kids and that he didn't have to cook was a bonus!

    I had so much fun with you and I'm so glad your back is doing better.

    You are right, everyone should have a twin, for I don't know what I would do without you, Sis!

    I love you and thank you for listening to me whine. You are safe and I know you pray for me as I pray for you.

  2. How FAB you being able to try clothes on for Stacie!! If my twin tried on clothes for me... I'd be worried. Glad you two had such a good time scrapbooking and scraptalking!!

  3. Thanks so much for your sweet comments!!!

    What a fun time!! I haven't scrapped in years. I miss it. Your sister is lucky to have you for her post pregnancy model :)

    Put some pictures of your favorite scrapbook pages you did if you can!!

  4. Your marinade (above) sounds wonderful! I'm glad to meet Stacie's TWIN & am very jealous! My sister is 4 yrs younger & we have very different bodies (& also live very far away from each other, so I miss her like crazy)! How fun to be able to shop like that! :)


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