Thursday, March 5, 2009

Crazy, Fun, Meaningful Weekend

Last weekend was crazy, fun and meaningful. I wish I had pictures, but I forgot my camera. So, clip art will have to do. On Friday, I dropped the kids off with my mom in Pendleton on my way to The Dalles. Michael didn't come with me because he couldn't miss that much school. So I had two whole days to be responsible for only myself. It was so weird! Believe me, I took advantage of it. The first thing I did when I got to The Dalles was go to my sister's hair dresser. I'm now a blonde again. Michael loves it! Went back to Stacie's for dinner, then we talked really late into the night.

Saturday morning I picked up my dad and brother, Jerry, SIL, Sonya, and we drove to Dallas for Grandpa Jeske's wedding. It was the first senior citizen wedding I've ever been to and it was wonderfully done. Very simple but elegant and full of blessings. Both Grandpa and Pat are widowed and had great marriages before meeting. The pastor did a wonderful job of making a point that their wedding wasn't erasing the past, but was an unexpected blessing for their future. I hope they have many more years to enjoy each other's company. Instead of attendants, their kids stood up in support of them. It was really special. I was shocked to see my very private grandfather lay an unbelievable long lip-lock on Pat. After seeing that, I wasn't worried about the wedding night! LOL!
On the way back from Dallas, I took Jerry and Sonya to a restaurant in Clackamas called Gustav's. It has the must delicious German food. I had a wonderful time getting know my SIL better. It was great to catch up with them both since I don't get to see them very often. Drove back to Stacie's and spent the night. Once again, no sleep, we stayed up talking for hours.
Sunday morning I was bad and skipped church so I could get ready for a double baby blessing shower for Stacie and Sonya. Both are due in April and very pregnant. Both were having contractions throughout the shower. I was getting a little worried. Both my moms helped out and we managed to throw quite a nice party for them. They were pampered, showered, blessed and prayed over by approximately 30 people! I was just thrilled with how many people came to support them. I got pictures with Stacie's camera, but I'm waiting until she gets her new modem so she can send them to me, then I can post them.
Went back to Stacie's and spent the night. Yet again, we stayed up pretty much the whole night talking. OK. This is three in a row. But why sleep when you have a chance to talk with your twin sis?
Monday I topped the weekend off with a massage from John Combe before heading home. I was completely exhausted, but it sure was a great weekend. I'm so blessed to have such wonderful family and friends. I've been playing catch up all week and just now able to post. I'll be putting together another post on cooking from scratch this weekend. Speaking of that, I better get off here and gets some cookie bars made for our Healthy Families Network meeting tonight. The topic is homeschooling. I can't wait to get more ideas. Have good day everyone!


  1. Wow!!! Sounds like you had a fantastic weekend. I didn't realize that you and Stacie were twins that must be so fun. I'm glad to hear the shower went well. How is she feeling? Can't wait to see your pictures and your blond hair :)

  2. Yep, we're identical twins and best friends. I feel sorry for anyone who isn't a twin!

    Stacie's feeling better although when I was their she was in a great deal of pain because she got wound up in some bedding that was on the floor and did something to her already inflammed pelvis. She took it easy for a few days and is moving around better. She's going nuts not getting to blog. She got a new modem, but found out the problem wasn't in the modem. A technition is supposed to be coming today or tomorrow to check out her wiring. Hope she gets it fixed soon. I really miss her in Blogland.

    Thanks for taking the time to comment!

  3. Hi Jackie! It was so good to see you on Sunday and you did a fabulous job with Stacie's baby shower!

  4. Sounds like a fun weekend! When are these babies due? How are John and Angie liking The Dalles? He's opened up a practice there? Her job?

    I was checking out your sister's blog and came across her french toast bake a couple of months ago, so I'm trying it tonight.

    Glad you had a great weekend!

  5. It's great to be back!

    What a wonderful weekend, other than being in extreme pelvic pain! Thanks, Jack for helping wash the dog and helping with the kids.

    The clip art is so cute!


So many blogs, so little time. If you leave a comment, I'll do my best to stop by your blog for a visit. Thanks for taking the time to encourage me today! Please ask permission before taking pictures off of my blog. Thank you!