Friday, March 6, 2009

There Were Never Such Devoted Sisters

Stacie and I made a point to take some pictures of each other this weekend since usually we are the ones behind the camera. This is me after I got my hair done by Stacie's hair dresser. I'm really happy with it. I found a comfortable headband and I've experimenting with it.

I've been in the mood for braids lately. I haven't worn them since I was a little girl, but I'm really liking them now, especially when I'm cooking. I got this shirt for $10 brand new at little shop in Pendleton. I love this color!

Here is a picture of my gorgeous, very pregnant, sister. Isn't she just glowing? She is due April Fools Day, so it won't be long. Our birthday is on the 4th, so we're hoping she'll hold out so the baby can share our birthday. I think she looks fabulous, especially since this is her sixth baby! I got Stace to wear a headband, too, and I think it looks so cute on her. We had such fun time together last weekend. Although I think our kids probably hate it when we are together because they have two moms and can't get away with anything. We are very comfortable disciplining each other's kids. Very soon we'll have 8 kids (between the two of us) to discipline when we are together!


  1. Your hair looks AWESOME!!!! I can't believe how much you two look alike now. Lovin the headband and the braids too!!!!

  2. I love wearing headbands, but I can't find mine. I think your hair looks great! I so badly need a new hairstyle. I always just keep mine one length, and have bangs. Easiest for me to care for.

    Wow, your sister is due next month? Boy I looked like a whale when I was pregnant with my kids. Your sister looks so small, and she is very lucky! I still look pregnant, 2 1/2 years since Katie was born, but I am working on trying to lose weight.

    Hmm, wonder how I would look with braids. :-)


  3. Looks like you guys had lots of fun. I can't believe how much you look like each other too. I love that green as well.

  4. Yeah, I kind of thought your sister was you being spontaneously pregnant.


  5. I love your hair!! It's beautiful!!!

  6. I love your hair. I just donated mine, so it is not long enough for double braids, but it will be soon enough! I love wearing my hair like that too!


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