Monday, March 16, 2009

Welcome To Toddlerhood!

It was way too quiet. I finally went to investigate. To my horror, Hailey had gotten into my large box of tampons on a "Search, Chew and Destroy Mission". That is when I realized it was time to say good-bye to babyhood and hello to toddlerhood. Let the games begin!


  1. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! That is hilarious!!!!!!!

  2. That is a serious blackmail picture for the teen years !!!! Must be the red hair that causes that mischief :)

  3. Praise God they weren't used!!!!!!!!! I guess it could have been worse!

  4. I agree with Amy - this is definitely a blackmail picture! How funny! :}

  5. Time keeps a marchin' on. As the old saying goes, "It's always somethin'."

    Very cute picture.

  6. Jackie, I love this picture!!! So cute...this should be in a magazine or something!! Evidence of what mom's really go through behind closed doors!

  7. LOL Too funny! I daily find my son in some sort of mischief. He is terrible about getting into ingredients, like "oats"..& eating He is a mess. Enjoy it because they honestly don't stay like this very long & it is so so funny if you keep a good attitude :) :)


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