Monday, April 13, 2009

Happy Easter!

We had a fun, busy Easter yesterday. Easter is one of my favorite holidays. I love all the fun traditions. It is such a wonderful time to reinforce to our children the wonderful gift of eternal life Christ has given us.
I got this really cute dress from a resale shop in town. It was only $6.98 and still had the tags on on. I think she looks like a pink confection. I just want to eat her up!

Josiah looked handsome, too. He's doing the weird smiling thing now that he's 5 years old. I wish he would just give me a normal smile for the pictures.

What a couple of hams!

Our church decided to visit another church in town for Easter service. It was really great worshipping with other believers on such a special day. New Hope was very kid friendly and there was lots of dancing during worship. They even waved flags and banners. The kids loved it!

When the kids (and Michael) woke up Easter morning, this is what was sitting on the table. My parents used to give us an Easter basket even when we were teenagers. I always loved it and I carry on the same tradition. I love getting my family little presents I know they'll love.

I'm sorry if this offends any cat lovers out there. I got this gag gift for Michael. I thought it was hilarious! Michael isn't a big fan of cats since getting ring worm as a kid from some barn kittens. It kind of soured him against cats.

We had a break in the weather that was just long enough to have an Easter Egg hunt in the backyard. I helped Josiah dye the eggs the day before. We got half way through the dyeing process when Josiah broke one and I realized I'd forgotten to boil them first! We don't eat our Easter Eggs because the dyes get on the eggs, so Josiah had already decided he wanted to use them for target practice. He thought they would explode better if we didn't boil them, so I left them alone. It actually worked out well, because I had a bunch of plastic eggs for Hailey to pick up. So Josiah left hers alone and went after the unboiled eggs and carefully put them in his bucket for target practice later.

Here's Josiah with his BB gun shooting his Easter Eggs. He just loved it! I think we started a new, unorthodox Easter tradition. Easter, redneck style!


  1. Oh that is so funny about the raw Easter eggs. That is something my husband would love to do I am sure.

    They are beautiful. I am glad you had such a nice day!

  2. Oh my gosh, those pictures actually made me totally gush, they are ADORABLE!!!!!!

  3. Your kids are too cute!!

    I love the catapult. I'd be using it all the time! (I'm not a cat person!)

    What a great idea using the eggs as targets! What fun!

  4. That dress is so so sweet. It looks like you had a great Easter. I love all the baskets.

  5. We have got to try the redneck Easter egg "hunt". The boys would be all over that!

    It would match our "redneck" couch that is on our front porch.


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