Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Warhawk WWII Museum

On our way home from Boise, we stopped at one more museum in Nampa, ID, called the the Warhawk WWII Museum. It was absolutely amazing! We could have spent a lot more time in there reading all the stories of individual soldiers and their families' WWII experiences. There weren't that many planes, but there was a ton of WWII memorabilia. Lots of different uniforms. Even a wedding dress made out of a Japanese silk parachute that a soldier brought back for his soon-to-be bride. Lots of pictures and "souvenirs" brought back by soldiers. This first picture is of a plane like they flew in the "Flying Tigers" movie.

This is a German tri-plane, one used by German pilots (like the Red Baron) during WWI

This was an interesting piece of history. It is a WWII flight simulator.


  1. Your welcome and I hope you have a great time visiting your sister this weekend and Happy Birthday!

    What great pictures of planes too. Isn't it so neat to see history like that?


  2. I have passed a blog award on to you. Enjoy!



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