Sunday, May 31, 2009

Fun, Crazy Cousins

Memorial Day weekend we stayed with Stacie and her clan for a couple of days. I already posted some Luau pictures but here a few cute miscellaneous pictures I took of the kids with their cousins. They have such a great time together! Of course it is always extra special when there is a new baby to hold.

Hailey hanging out with Lily.

Hailey and Josh snuggling in the morning.

Hailey was crossing her arms like Uncle Steve. She loves her crazy Uncle Steve.

Josiah held Lily for a little while one morning.


  1. Oh, these are precious keepsake pics!

  2. Hi Jackie! Yes I will definitely pray for Michael and the job situation! Thanks for letting me know about it. I will add it to my prayer list, as I have a little journal I write things down in so I can remember - prayer requests and also answered prayers too.

    Blessings and hugs...

  3. Hey I think Hailey and Bethany have the same nightie!


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