Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Luau Birthday Party

I told you guys I was gettin' in the mood for a Luau when I posted that pork roast recipe. I just love a themed party! We used Jessica, my niece's, 6th birthday as an excuse to learn about several Polynesian cultures and just to have some plain old fun. We all pooled our resources and ended up with all kinds of fun Luau decorations. Everyone dressed up and we even got the guys to wear flowers! Here is a picture of Jessica blowing out the candles on her two cakes. My grandma Mary made the doll cake.

Here is a picture of Mom with all her granddaughters.

My Grandma Mary with Lily, Stacie's newest baby.

I love this one of Jessica, Hailey and Josiah with the cool pinata (I know, not very Polynesian, but it was so cute, I couldn't resist). The kids had such a great time!

Stacie and I are showing off the Samoan wraps that my dear Samoan friend, Paulette, brought us from Samoa. They are just so beautiful and comfortable. You can't see it, but Paulette also gave us some Samoan jewelry that we are wearing. Stacie is wearing coconut jewelry and I'm wearing shell jewelry. The weather was perfect and a great time was had by all!


  1. How fun! You two look beautiful in your wraps!

  2. Beautiful idea, looks like a good time was had by all!


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