Monday, June 22, 2009

Feelin' A Little Blue

I wish you could see Josiah's beautiful blue eyes in this picture, but it just doesn't show up well . Josiah looks so handsome and he's sweet with Hailey (most of the time). When she gets hurt, he's learning how to comfort her. I drive home the point that his job is to protect Hailey. Of course, she adores her big brother and tries to keep up with him.

I just love this shirt that Aunt Abby sent Hailey. She just looks so sassy in this picture! Trust me, she is, too. We just blame it on the red hair.


  1. Can't wait to have Lily wear that shirt! Both of your children look great in blue!

  2. Little sweethearts. They look so cute. In Australia some people not all call redheads rangas as in orangutan. I love red headed children there is something extra cute about them.

  3. Naomi,
    Around here people call redheads "Red" or "Carrot Top". Josiah absolutely hates it. I'm going to teach him to say, "Actually, carrot tops are green". Maybe people will nicely get the point. I just don't want him to be self-conscious about it. I've never heard of "ranga". Interesting to see what redheads are called around the world.

    I think they look good in blue, too. I, too, can't wait to see Lily in that shirt. Looking forward to having Jess visit. Love Ya!

  4. In older days redheads were called Bluey. Don't ask me why. LOL. But I had an uncle Bluey who had red hair. I think it is just gorgeous to have red hair.

  5. Cute pictures! Elisha is very protective of Bethany too. I think it comes naturally when you have an older boy. However, he is also her biggest tormenter at times.

    Next time you might try making the picture bigger to see if the eyes stand out more. I didn't think I'd like the bigger pictures to begin with, but now that I've tried it I actually like it better because it seems like you can see more.

  6. Naomi,
    "Bluey" is another one I've never heard before. You gotta wonder where that one came from. LOL!


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