Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Fun, Productive Scrapbook Weekend/My Day

Well, since many of you read my twin sis' blog, I'm not going to post a bunch of the same pictures of our weekend. If you want to see pictures of the weekend go to Stacie's blog at www.afirefighterswife.blogspot.com. She has wonderful pictures of our tea, pages and just fun sister time.
I got 86 pages pretty much scrapbooked, just need to get some titles and pull some journaling off my blog to put on them. Stacie got 70 plus pages completely done and she had a handicap since Lily was our nursing baby for this camp. So I'll unofficially declare her the winner.
A really fun place we went to for lunch (twice because we liked it so much) is a wonderful little Hawaiian BBQ joint. It was so yummy and the atmosphere was great!
Now, I'm catching up from being gone for 5 days. I was so exhausted, I put all the kids down for a rest and I took a 1 1/2 hour nap this afternoon. Those who know me well, know that that is a rare occurrence indeed. I've always had a hard time taking naps. It was wonderful.
We brought our niece, Jessica, home with us and she and Josiah (4 months apart) have been having a blast! When we got home last night, the kids (minus Hailey) convinced me to put up the tent and they slept outside. They did really well and actually went to sleep! I checked on them 3 times and didn't hear a peep. Very weird, but trust me, I'm not complaining! We went to a playground this morning to play with the homeschool group then home again to catch up on dishes, laundry, etc. The kids have been playing with water balloons, the sprinkler and now dress up. We've got a few fireworks to light tonight, so I've had that leverage for good behavior all day, which has been great. Instead of getting mad when Josiah misbehaves, I'm taking fun things away. It seems to be much more effective. I'm going to have the kids help me fold laundry tonight while we listen to a kid's book on tape. Again, another thing I've learned is not to have the kids fold laundry while watching a movie because they get to distracted. Put in a book on tape and they have no problem staying focused while getting to do something special as they fold laundry.
Well, that's it. Better go get dinner started. Hope you all had a wonderful weekend!


  1. I can't believe that you got 86 pages done!!!!! That is unbelievable!!!! Sounds like your having fun with your niece there. We just had our 9 month old niece for the weekend and the kids loved it.

  2. Good job Jackie. I didn't look at your pages, I don't know why, I saw your Mom's and stacie's I wish I would of seen yours too. I love to see pictures of the kids. Maybe you can post some of your faves.
    It was good to see you. I'm so happy your back or shoulder or anything wasn't hurting. You look good. love you candy

  3. Candy,
    It was great to see you this weekend! I'll try to get a few pictures of my favorite pages when I get all the journaling and titles on.

    Love ya!

  4. I can't believe you let them sleep in the tent. I would have been too fried!

    You are doing good with Josiah.

    The books on tape is a great idea instead of the TV while folding laundry! We do Hank the Cowdog alot!

  5. That is exactly what we were listening to! Hank is cool!

  6. I can't do naps either. Paul thinks I'm weird, but now I can vouch for someone else who can't do naps! (ha!ha!)
    Lilos IS SOOOO Yummy!! But what is up with the Macaroni salad?? I keep asking people is Macaroni salad a "Hawaiin" dish? I've been to Hawaii and wasn't eating Macaroni. I just think it's weird to serve Macaroni salad with sticky rice. In my mind they just don't "go" together...
    Jessica is such a sweetheart. I'm sure you're enjoying her!


So many blogs, so little time. If you leave a comment, I'll do my best to stop by your blog for a visit. Thanks for taking the time to encourage me today! Please ask permission before taking pictures off of my blog. Thank you!