Sunday, June 7, 2009

Triple Blessing Shower

My friend, Diane, and I had great fun this weekend putting on a triple blessing shower for the pregnant ladies at our MOPS (Mother's of Preschoolers) table. It was supposed to rain, but turned out really nice and we had a lovely blessing shower on our deck. I just love the blessing shower concept. I'll never do a regular baby shower again. Everyone would much rather spend their time blessing the mother-to-be rather than playing games that most people dread. I got the idea from an Above Rubies magazine and I really hope it spreads. Here is a picture of the lovely ladies in their various stages of pregnancy. (From left to right) Kendal is due towards the end of this month with her 3rd girl. Christina is due in September (she'll have 3 boys all under the age of 3). Jodi is due with her second girl in July. We are giving them a foot soak in this picture. We also gave them neck and shoulder massages, hand rubs and painted their toe nails. I think they look so beautiful in their daisy crowns! Such gorgeous princesses, daughters of the King.

Diane is on the left. She made the adorable cake you see in the next picture. Beth is on the right, she's a friend from MOPS, too. In this picture she is reading her blessing the lovely mothers. She also helped out by bringing a wonderful fruit dip and gave the ladies their hand massages.

My decorations are simple - quilts for table clothes and on the pregnant ladies' thrones. The quilt you see under the cake was Michael's when he was a baby. His mom made if for him. The block cake that Diane made was four layers, alternating chocolate and vanilla. It was just the cutest thing. She did a great job and she was a tremendous help. When we were all done with the shower, we prayed over the ladies. It was a perfect end to a wonderful afternoon.


  1. Cute cake! It looks like you had a wonderful time and the weather looks perfect. Great job, Jack!

  2. Oh it looks like you had a lovely time. What a blessing for those lovely woman.

  3. What a great idea to use quilts as tablecloths and chair covers! Love it! and I will be stealing it!

    I have another baby shower tomorrow night. (these babies keep coming!) Unfortunately (for me!), our ladies like the goofy games, but I definately like the blessings more!

  4. It is diffrent seeing Mike as a father. I always knew he would be a good one. He has a way with them. I saw that with Julisa he when was here. I added a post to my blogg i will never be as good as you are I just don't seem to have your talent but did manage today. Love you all Aunt Cookie


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