Saturday, July 25, 2009

Gotta Love the Slip and Slide!

This Slip and Slide was so worth the $7.99 I spent on it. The kids had a blast! I thought I'd post some cute pictures of them doin' their thing. Hailey is such a dare devil. She got right in there.
Josiah had to work out the coordination a bit, but finally got it. He was having a hard time remembering to extend his knees when he hit the plastic. I should have brought the video camera out for that one! He was so funny.
Hailey has this thing about dipping her head in water. Anytime she's around water, she'd dipping. We went to a friend's house for dinner the other night and we caught her doing it in their dogs' swimming trough. I better keep the toilet lids down!
I just had to throw this picture in the mix. Hailey decided to have a sword fight with the water. It wasn't long before Josiah joined in. It is nice to see them having so much fun together. She's getting to an age where Josiah is really viewing her as a playmate. When she's taking a nap, Josiah can hardly wait for her to wake up. I was so worried about their age gap (hubby was deployed between kids and it takes me a long time to conceive) but they seem to be making the best of it. It just confirms to me that God knows what He's doing when He's making families.
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  1. Oh Yes! Definately keep the toilet lids down. The things toddlers do! Love the pictures as always!

  2. God sure does know what He's doing, that's for certain! Your kids look SO cute!!

  3. I almost didn't recognize you on my dashboard with your new name, but I knew that was Hailey!
    Your kids are gorgeous. Hailey looks more little girl than baby now.

    P.S. Try some dishsoap on the slip-n-slide, they'll shoot to the moon.

  4. Rachel,
    That's a fabulous idea! I'll definitely have to try that.


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