Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Part 2: Homeschool Field Trip to Looking Glass Fish Hatchery

Here are some more pictures of our homeschool fish hatchery field trip. This is a picture of Mitch. He and Josiah quickly became friends. They had a wonderful time together. One big reason I joined this christian homeschool group is so that Josiah would develop some good relationships. Seems to be working. Yeah!
Roger is explaining to us that these large tubs are where they put the tiny fish that have just developed from the eggs.
After the fish get too big for the blue tubs, they go to an outside holding tank where they are given space to get bigger.

These were indoor holding tanks for the big salmon. They had the nets over them as well as black netting because they could jump right through the nets. These were some heavy duty nets. I was shocked that they have enough strength to go through something like that.

We ended our field trip with a picnic lunch in the air-conditioned building. There really wasn't any place outside with shade. We all had a great time and the kids had fun learning and interacting with each other. Thanks to the moms who were able to make it!
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  1. What a wonderful educational experience, Jackie! Your kids appear to be interested AND entertained. A cool place for lunch was nice too.

    We have a Christian home-school co-op that meets every Thursday afternoon during the school year for classes. They vary from Spanish, Art and PE to special writing classes, bicylcle maintainence, etc.

  2. That looks like it was a lot of fun. Remember though, that salmon have to be strong because they swim up river during their mating season. Swimming against the current and even up small waterfalls, they'd have to have a lot of strength.

  3. Cat,
    It isn't a co-op, but just more of a social thing. We are getting together for field trips, play dates, curriculum fairs, etc...So far it has been fun. I've realized I really like planning field trips because I love field trips myself! We are going to to do a field trip in August where we see bits of the Oregon Trail in the Blue Mountains. The history through here is incredible.


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