Saturday, July 11, 2009

Sidelines/After-Game Fun With Friends

We had some special bloggy/real-life friends, Yohn and Ruth, visit us the day Josiah made his first soccer goal. We used to go to church with this couple then they moved away. We both have kids around the same age. We’ve kept in touch through emails then blogging. They come to this area to visit family once a year and always stop in for a visit. They are into sports and were happy to come watch Josiah play. He had a great cheering section for that game! Here is a great picture of Josiah watching from the sidelines. He looks so calm. Don’t let the picture fool you! He was a regular cheerleader.

Our friend, Elisha is teaching Hailey how to make goofy faces. She caught on quickly as you can see.
Josiah is an “eager beaver” when it came to giving the other team five. I think this is such a good idea and I’m glad they do this even with the very young kids.

Josiah had been begging to go get ice cream at Dairy Queen all day. I know, it isn’t healthy, but how could I say no when got his first goal? Not only that, it gave us an excuse to see our friends longer.

The kids were getting pretty wound up by the time we finished our ice cream. We left shortly after this picture much to the pleasure of the staff and other patrons, I’m sure. We had a great time with our friends and I'm already looking forward to next year's visit. Thanks for stopping by, Ruth and Yohn!


  1. Sorry we stopped by so last minute! But we were very glad we did. The kids really liked watching Josiah's soccer game. I have pictures for you I'll send sometime this week. I need to go through and pick out the best ones and do some editing.


So many blogs, so little time. If you leave a comment, I'll do my best to stop by your blog for a visit. Thanks for taking the time to encourage me today! Please ask permission before taking pictures off of my blog. Thank you!