Monday, August 24, 2009

Bronze and Bikes Rally

This was our second year of going to the Bronze and Bikes Rally in Joseph, OR. We got a babysitter for the whole day (a rare thing indeed) and had a great time together. I rode behind Michael and our helmets are wired so we can talk. It is so nice to be able to talk and not just point and hope the other person sees this or that. It was extra fun this year since my mom got to come with us. It is such a beautiful ride up there. The town is adorable and there are lots of fun places to shop. I really like this rally because it is put on by a Christian bike club and there isn't any wild stuff happening, just good old fun. Nobody is runny around half-dressed and drinking. The setting is absolutely gorgeous with the Wallowa Mountains towering in the back drop (you can see them peeking out behind the roof of the store behind us). Of course all the bikes are great scenery in themselves.
I was trying to show just one line of bikes but the picture doesn't do it justice. There were well over 1000 bikes in town that day. Here's Mom and Michael getting ready to go shopping. Yes, I have a husband that likes to shop in all the little stores and vendor booths. He doesn't like to buy, but he loves to look. I'm so blessed! I did buy and "Iron Cowgirls" T-shirt that I thought was really cute.

Mom spent two nights with us. She was loaded for bear. You can see how much stuff she packed onto the back of her bike. I just had to take a picture. There is even a carry-on suitcase behind her backrest! She never did know how to pack light, LOL! On Friday, Mom and I got to go for a nice, long mother/daughter ride. She said she's seen improvement in my riding just since our last ride together. Yeah! I need to just keep plugging away at and ride ever chance I get.
Our friends, Lindsey and Paula, met us up at the rally. Just before we came home we rode down to Wallowa Lake and swung into a pull-off for a photo op. We all rode back together. The weather was perfect and the company was even better!
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  1. What fun you had! Good for you! Your Mom looks so young - you lucked out and inherited some great genes!

    I am still adjusting to a move, so hopefully can get back to blogging soon.

  2. You go, Jackie! All of you look like you're having a lovely time. And there is nothing so welcome as our children after a break from them.

  3. I guess that is what I get for typing with one hand!

  4. Looks like you had a great time. Sometimes a day without the kids, as hard as it is to do, is really good for us. You pictures are great!

  5. I love looking at the pictures of Joseph, it brings back a lot of memories.

    In response to the comment you left on my Not My child Monday post - boys can be so obnoxious (I don't know if I spelled that right). Elisha is famous for "not doing anything" to Bethany and yet I can hear her telling him, strike that, yelling at him to leave her alone.

    You should try a Not Me Monday post sometime, they are kind of fun.

  6. I LOVE Joseph & Wallowa Lake--beautiful area! Glad you had such a great time; in fact looks like your August has been quite memorable:) As a descendant of Oregon Trail pioneers, I loved the OR Trail posts you did also-great way to teach children about history!
    Blessings, Aimee


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