Sunday, August 2, 2009

Part 2: Hailey's 2nd Birthday Party

Hailey had fun smacking the pinata.

Hailey sitting on her pile of gifts and what is she fascinated with? The cheap bracelets I got at the Dollar Store for her treat bag. So funny! I just love this little dress we got from Aunt Abby. I call her her party dress.
Of course Josiah was right in the middle of everything wanting to "help" her open her gifts. I can't believe he was wearing a long sleeve shirt. I do love that shirt though. As a soil scientist, I saw this shirt at JC Penny's and I just had to get it for him. Wish they would have had one in my size!
Hailey's Grandma Kricket and Larry Pop went together with us on a really nice sleeping bag for Hailey. When she opened the box, she climbed right on top of the sleeping bag. She knew what it was for. I was so cute.
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  1. She is just so stinkin' cute! I love that dress (save it for Lily, please!) and I love Josiah's shirt. I can't believe he was wearing a long sleeve shirt. How did he do with all that attention on his sis?

    It looks like she had so much fun. Jessica had a blast and was thrilled that Hailey loved the purse that she got her.

    What is with the whoopie cushions? I heard that Josiah broke his again!

  2. I'll definitely save it for Lily. I couldn't believe it, but Hailey managed to wear it the whole day without a bib and barely got anything on it.

    It was so wonderful that Jess and Andrew were able to come up with Nana and Papa.

    Yes, Hailey loved the purse that Jess got her and what a cute card, too.

    Josiah hit the jackpot again at the arcade and bought a whoopie cushion. Eyes rolling! He broke it, but Diana suggested we use duct tape on it (thanks, Diana, LOL!). So it is working again. Great.

  3. Thank you for sharing your life with us, Jackie. Hailey is darling, and there is nothing like a dress so cute that others ask you to save it.

  4. Hailey' dress is adorable. I remember when my girls used to wear cute dresses like that. Enjoy it while it lasts. :)


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