Saturday, September 12, 2009

4-Wheelin' Fun; Desert Vacation, Part 7

Late Sunday morning, we all took a trip, with me and the kids on my boss' 4-wheeler, to a spring nearby. Hailey was in a snit because she we made her wear a helmet. She screamed half way down the driveway and I almost turned back. I finally got her distracted with the lizards, butterflies and birds crossing the road in front of us and after that she was fine. We actually rode quite a ways and through some pretty thick dust ruts. I just went slow and easy and the kids did great. I felt a lot safer with the kids on the 4-wheeler. This first picture is of Josiah sitting on the 4-Wheeler just before we headed out. This is the part of the panoramic view from the deck. You can see the Pueblo Mountains in the distance. See that tiny clump of trees in the distance? That was our destination.

We packed a lunch and ate when we got there. We forgot the water, so we drank from the pristine spring. I'll post pictures of Serrano Springs later.

Michael took a picture of us at Serrano Springs, overlooking the desert (Sheep's Head Mountains in the distance), just before we took off to go home the long way. Hailey was so tired that by the end of the trip she was laying on the gas tank, trying to nap. Wish I could have gotten a picture of that!

We got back up to the trailer and Michael loaded the kids up in the truck and then followed me down (so I could ride the bike) to Alvord Hot Springs for a good soak. I finally got to ride my dad's 1970 racing dirt bike, the Suzuki 200. Loved it! This picture was taken right after we got back from our hot springs ride.
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  1. Awesome, you guys must have had a blast. I love doing stuff outdoors and so do the kids.

  2. I love four-wheelin! You look awesome on Dad's old bike!

  3. I'd like to figure out how to follow the directions at scrappinblogs for pasting the HTML/java script code to my layout. Every time I highlight the script and click on the box on the previous screen it unhighlights itself. Any clues?

  4. Cat,
    Once you have it highlighted, right click, hit copy, then go out of the screen and back to your blog. Go into layout, add a gadget and, click add and HTML and then paste it in there. Hope that helps!

  5. May the LORD bless you richly for your unendingly helpful advice! I did it.

  6. Cat,
    Yeah! So glad I didn't lead you astray.

    God Bless,

  7. That looks like some four wheelin' fun! We are on the lookout for a four wheeler for our family too.


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