Monday, September 21, 2009

WWII Birthday Party, Part 1

Since Josiah and two of his cousins have birthdays right next to each other, we've started combining their parties into one big themed birthday party. This year's theme was WWII. All the boys are really into WWII as you will see by the following pictures. We kicked off the party with a family lunch at Primo's Pizza where the kids enjoyed playing at the arcade first. We had 18 people there, just with the immediate family who were able to show up for this part.

We went back to the house and the kids "practiced" while we finished getting the party together. Michael and I got Josiah a real "steel pot" helmet and Swiss army bag. He loved it!

We roped the grandparents into filling up water balloon grenades.

Stacie and I dressed as war brides. I got both these vintage 40's dresses for super good deals. The one I'm wearing, I got for $5, and the one Stacie is wearing, I got for $15. I'm taller than Stacie, but it really looks like it in this picture because she's wearing flats and I'm wearing heels. We turned on some swing music during the party, which really added to the atmosphere.
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  1. Great dresses, you both look gorgeous! Way to get into the theme! I like that theme, by the way...wonder if my son will ask for a WWII party when he's older, and if so I'll be looking to your family for pointers! Happiest Birthday wishes.

  2. You girls look SO vintage...and cute, of course!


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