Monday, September 21, 2009

WWII Birthday Party, Part 4

What's a party without a pinata? We found this patriotic star. Don't you just love Hailey's pink camo skirt?

The kids all got a turn wacking the pinata and let me tell you there wasn't much left after the kids got done with it. We really got our money's worth out of that pinata!

We sent MREs (Meals Ready to Eat) home with all the kids. Our kids wanted to eat them for dinner. Michael helped them heat them up and they had a great MRE picnic "in the field".

Marcus is working up the courage to eat an imitation barbecue pork sandwich. Well, that's the highlights. Hope you've enjoyed the party vicariously! Stacie will be posting her pictures on her blog soon.
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  1. That looks like so much fun. I am simply not that creative.

    But there's just one thing I'm curious about, where's Josh's army clothes?

  2. This kind of "era" stuff just makes my heart go pitter patter with excitement. What a great theme!! You did so well! I LOVE you and Stacie in your dresses. Perfect.

  3. RaD,
    We let the boys put together their own costumes. Josh wanted to be a German soldier. No idea why he was wearing an orange shirt.

    We sure had a good time!

  4. What fun! Parties like this are a lot of work - you certainly know how to pour it on!!

  5. Mre's? What did the kids think of them? I have heard they are not so tasty. So I am curious. Looks like the kids had fun at the party.

  6. Hi Jackie-

    Thanks for stopping by my blog. : )

    It looks like you guys had a great party! Very creative theme!

    So what exactly is an imitation pork BBQ sandwich?

    I've heard that about the coconut oil. I have a friend who switched to it a few months back. She said it was kind of expensive, but she really liked it. I may have to give it a try sometime too!

  7. Morgan,
    Nice to meet you! Stop by anytime. I didn't even look at the ingredient list on the immitation pork. I'm sure it contained soy though. The "bread" looked to be very dry. My husband says they don't taste half bad when you're hungry!

  8. Together We Save,

    Nice to meet you, too! The kids surprisingly didn't think the MREs were too bad. There's a lot of sugary stuff in them, so they were happy about that. My son has been begging for them ever since! I haven't told him there is more out in the shed:)

  9. Happy 6th birthday Josiah!!! It looks like you had one great party!


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