Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Krazy Kid Pictures

I had some miscellaneous pictures I wanted to post, but couldn't really think of a theme, but then I realized I could do a "Krazy Kid" theme. This first picture is of Hailey eating fermented veggies right out of the jar. How many 2 year olds would touch that stuff? She loves it!

This is a picture of our friend, Billy, and Josiah with his real WWII Russian helmet. His American helmet he got for his birthday is the one laying on the coffee table.

My kids love to give and receive massages.

Hailey is doing her deep tissue pounding on Josiah's back. I pay them a quarter for a 5 minute massage. They do pretty good, too. Start 'em young, I say, LOL!

Here are some miscellaneous items that may be of interest to you. Michael had a good first day at work although he couldn't get into the Forest Service computer system. The Help Desk told him they would get back to him anywhere from 1 hour to 5 days. Huh? Could we narrow that down a little? That's the government for you! In the meantime, he can't do his job so is just doing filing and fun busy work like that. He said he has a huge pile of stuff he has to input into the system and there's not a thing he can do about it. So pray it gets fixed soon!

I had a great night at MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers) last night. I'm really enjoying being a table leader. I just love all "my" ladies! I don't have any other ministry responsibilities right now since we just changed churches and so I'm able to give this my all. I love relationship building, so this is right up my alley. I'm really going to try to stick to just one outside ministry activity at a time. "You heard that right, Lord! Now help me stick to my guns on this one."

Well better get off here and start my busy day of homeschooling, cooking and cleaning. Plus I've got to squeeze in an hour of soil science work. I had a chance to pray as I drove home from Curves early this morning. After looking at my day, I'm glad I'm prayed up!

God Bless,
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  1. You have beautiful little red headed children!

  2. Cute pics, Jackie. I know too how easy it is to overdo the responsibilites we assign to ourselves. I'm praying for you to stick to your guns!!

  3. Very cute...I love the one with your little girl doing "deep tissue" massage! LOL!
    Have a wonderful day!

  4. Looks like Hailey is giving it her all(red face). How sweet that they are learning that. I bet Kricket can use a little massage every once in a while. They are so cute.
    You are doing really good Jackie about slowing down on responsibities. Now just let The Lord Bless you. He will. Love you

  5. I can't believe that she is eating those vegetables!!!! I need to borrow her for a little while to teach my kids some things :) The deep tissue massage cracked me up!!!! My kids will do massages but not for very long...I never thought about paying them though hmmm :) I'm so glad your MOPS group is going well. I think you would make a wonderful table leader!!!

  6. Awww... How's Billy doing? Is he moving back to La Grande?

    I like the massage pictures too. You pay them huh? I'll bet they live for that! "Mommy do you need a massage? How about now?"

  7. Oh, Hailey, You are just like your mama!

    I love "kid" massages!

    You are doing great with those ladies and I'm so glad that you focusing on outside ministry at a time.

  8. Rad,
    Money apparently is that important to them yet, because I don't get them as often as I'd like. Which is every hour, LOL!


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