Wednesday, November 25, 2009

My Pumpkins

I had a couple of miscellaneous pictures of the kids I wanted to post. The first one is of Josiah helping me grind a big pumpkin, using our Kitchen Aid grinder attachement. I freeze the baked, ground pumpkin in 2 cup increments and use all year round. Josiah loves to help with this process. We did this together during our special time when Hailey is napping.

Josiah took this picture of Hailey and I thought it captured her joy perfectly. I'm blessed with kids who generally have happy dispostions and get excited about new experiences and old traditions. I'm so grateful for that!

Hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

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  1. You know Jackie I thought this whole time that I followed your blog and you just didn't post much! LOL. DUH!!
    I have to ask you. How do you like your kitchen Aid attachment? I have a kitchen aid too and have always thought about getting some of the attachments.

  2. Happy Thanksgiving to you Jackie!

    Your kids are so darn adorable! They do indeed look blissful.

    What a great mom!

  3. Your pumpkins match up to their name with thier "orange" hair. Josiah, that is an awesome picture of your sis! Great job! That totally captures our little Hailey Bailey!


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