Thursday, December 24, 2009

Church Christmas Program

Last Sunday, the kids were blessed to be part of our church's Christmas program. They were so cute! Josiah's larger than life personality stole the show. Hailey was adorable in her Christmas dress and angel wings. Our dear friend, Billy, filmed it for the grandparents.

Hailey along with the rest of the toddler class clammed up when it was their turn to sing "Happy Birthday, Jesus". Oh well, they were still adorable!

Josiah was hysterical as he sang his solo line "two turtle doves" twelve times. He changed it just a bit each time, with a different expression or voice inflection. The crowd laughed every time it was his turn to sing. Let me tell you, he was eating it up! The play director told him he needed to sign autographs after the play.

Here are the kids standing in front to the beautifully decorated church Christmas tree.
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Here's all of us.Here are our wonderful friends, Billy and Kay. They are the friends who invited us to Calvary Chapel. We first met them when we were all attending the Salvation Army when Michael and I were first married. We were their best man and matron of honor in their wedding. They moved away to become Salvation Army officers. We kind of lost touch, but due to amazingly God-coordinated circumstances, they are now out of the SA and living in our town again. We picked up right where we left off. They are like family to us. We are so grateful for their love and friendship. It was so great to have them at the Christmas program, cheering our children on and enjoying the show. They have the most amazing hearts! 

We've had a few other Christmas blessings pop up. Michael found a position in a maintanence National Guard battalion in the Portland area. They have an officer's slot open for him, so the paper work will begin after the first of the year to get him reinstated as an officer. We will miss our friends in this battalion, but Michael is excited to start a new chapter in his Guard career in a battalion that is conducive to his strengths. It will probably take about 6 months for the paper work to go through, but it will be worth it in the end.

I received another blessing this morning when I went to Curves to work out. I won a drawing for a free night's stay for two at a nearby bed and breakfast. Yes, I showed a disgusting display of joy, because this is the first time I've ever one anything in my life! The ladies were all laughing at me, but excited for me, too. Michael and I are super excited that we get a night away together. My mom said she would come over to babysit. Yahoo! God is good.

I also recieved a rather large Christmas bonus from my very generous boss (least amount of hours I've ever worked and the biggest bonus I've ever received from him) and we were able to get a 40 inch flat screen TV to watch our movies on. Thanks to Dave Ramsey's budget plan, we also were able to purchase a vent-free gas fireplace with a nutmeg stained mantle. We've always wanted a fireplace! The day after Christmas we will be doing a little remodel job on one of our living room walls. Can't wait to see how it will look when it is all done! I feel like God has blessed us so much since we buckled down to do this finiancial peace budget. May God show each of you his blessings this Christmas!

Merry Christmas Everyone! May it be filled with love, joy and peace this year!

Jackie and Family


  1. What a wonderful post, Jackie! I was smiling the whole time!

    How blessed you are to have such wonderful friends! Very cool to hear about everyone's Army history.

    Do you have to move to Portland with Micheal being posted there?

    Josiah is looking very handsome and I liked hearing about his two turtle doves. Also.. Hailey's dress is GORGEOUS!

    Have fun on your night away! Maybe you'll come out with another baby (giggle!giggle!)thanks to Curves.

    Merry Christmas!
    (I'm up to my ears in baking and just had to escape my messy kitchen for a moment!)

  2. That little boy sitting by Hailey, looks like Jacob!

    So glad everything is working out with Michael.

    That is so awesome how God is blessing you financially as you continue to be a good steward of what he has given you!

    Love you and can't wait to see you!

  3. Love the Christmas pictures of your little cherubs :)

    Merry Christmas!

  4. Hey Jackie!!! I hope you and your family have a wonderful Christmas!!!!

  5. No, we won't be moving. All this means is that he will have a very long commute to drill, but it will be worth it in the long run. This also means we'll get to see more of our family because he'll drop all of us off in Pendleton, The Dalles, Dufur or Hood River on his way to drill. So it's a double blessing!

    As far as the baby thing goes, pray for us! Only God knows... ;)

  6. Obviously, God has richly blessed you this year, Jackie, I praise God for His lavish provision! Merry Christmas

  7. Congratulations on the bonus and all the other great news! I love watching kids in their performances each one is always so different than the other and you never know how they'll react. Any chance you'll post a video clip?

  8. Ruth,
    I wish we had that capablility, we still have an old video camera. One of these days we want to go digital.

  9. Merry Christmas to you and your family Jackie~! I wish that our church was more relaxed about the children's choir and Christmas play- the powers that be like things run in a more professional manner - make's things rather stiff, would have loved to see your sweet boy adding life to the song!!

  10. Great news and photos, Jackie. Glad that your hubby found a slot for his Army work....we live real close to Portland so if you are ever coming there for a day, let me know and I'll come visit ya!!! Merry Christmas and hugs to all!

  11. So, when is the screening for grandparents? I wanna try to get there.

  12. What a great post Jackie! You have most definitely been blessed this Christmas! I loved the pictures of your kids in their Christmas program. They are so cute! And I really loved the family picture! What a beautiful family you have!!

    I hope you continued to have a wonderful Christmas as well! God Bless you and your family in the coming year!!

  13. Dear Jackie ~

    Your children are both beautiful...what a special time you all had at your Christmas program!

    How wonderful that the Lord is giving you so many blessings...they are all from His hand to richly enjoy! I'm happy for you to get your night away with your hubby...we rarely do that and it is so special when we get the chance.

    Have a blessed Lord's Day!

  14. Wow, that is awesome!! All those blessings! Have fun at the bed and breakfast!

    Love the pictures of your family. How fun to watch your son "ham" it up, lol!

    ~ Nan


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