Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Living Nativity: Part 1

Our town has an amazing Living Nativity that the 7th Day Adventist Church puts on. It is a joint effort, with help from many churches around the area. This is their 4th year and it is hard to believe, but it just keeps getting better. We look forward to visiting "Bethlehem" each year. The do a great job of incorporating scripture and prophesy into the telling of the Christmas Story. We are first stopped by Roman guards checking to see what our "business" in Bethlehem was. Of course Josiah had to check out the guard's sword.

Here is the man taking the census and collecting taxes.

Outside, they had a market place. The first stop was the fish stand. The kids loved getting to touch the real fish.

They had a blacksmith making fire pokers out front, too
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  1. I am going to show the kids this. This is just awesome!

  2. So cool! Hey thanks for the comment! We are also going to make ice-cream snow balls for Christmas eve dessert: peppermint ice-cream balls covered with whipping cream and coconut!

    The living nativity looked awesome! so glad you went!!! Noah did summer preschool there at Little Friends and we loved all of the people we met at that church. So many wonderful families!

    Merry Christmas Jackie!


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