Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Living Nativity: Part 4

We wondered back outside after partaking of cookies, hot chocolate and fellowship, and ran into the magi and Clyde the Camel. Luckily, Josiah and Hailey weren't scared of him. We all got to pet him. He's a real sweetheart.

The Innkeeper was telling us there wasn't any room in his inn. You can see the angel choir in the background singing about the newborn King. They have scripture written on wooden scrolls in front of every station. They also had the temple and a synagogue, but I couldn't get a good pictures of them. Maybe next year.

They had lots of animals you could pet, sheep, goats, camels, llamas and even Mary's donkey. He was so adorable.

And finally, we made our way to a humble stable to see what all the fuss was about and we discovered that all the prophesies had come true. The Messiah was born that night!

It has become a family tradition to attend this event. This is yet another way we are helping to keep Christ in Christmas. Hope you've enjoyed this Nativity journey.

God Bless,
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  1. I so wish we had something like that here. What wonderful memories your kiddos will have from this. Talk about the ultimate petting zoo!

  2. How very sweet this is and how wonderful the children can experience the live animals like that. The donkey could be a little Chalky, a Sicilian Donkey.( if you have be reading for awhile you know we have donkeys on the Ponderosa,too).

    Have a very Merry Christmas, ya'll!!!

  3. What a neat living nativity! We have a good one here too. Love your new header.

  4. That is so cool! What a way to bring Christmas to life! Hands on is such a great way to learn.

  5. This had to be so meaningful for the children.

  6. How wonderful! Our nearest Living Nativity was at Wishram and I didn't catch the dates. But it was a drive through, not near as intimate.

    I love Clyde the camel!

  7. This is so neat - I would love to see this!

    I think it would be so much fun to go geocaching together. We found our first caches over the weekend - we were so excited to actually find one! :)


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