Saturday, January 9, 2010

Homeschool Sledding Party: Part 2

Here are a bunch of us, pulling kids, visiting, etc. Even some of us adults got in on the sledding action. A trip to the chiropractor may be in store, hee hee.

Homeschooling dad, Bobby, worked on getting a fire started. We only had wet wood, so it didn't really start burning until it was time to leave, but the boys sure had fun watching him work with the fire.

Hailey had a great time hanging out with the Koza girls and eating snow.

Fire bugs. Aren't all boys?

We had an awesome time as usual and I can't wait until we do it again next year. Now, back to painting...

God Bless,
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  1. How cool is that?? (No pun intended!) What a great time!! I love sledding when I know I can get warm soon after! :)

    Have a fabulous day!

  2. I enjoyed the pics of the snow trip. Glad you were able to go. It's always worth going even though it takes time to get ready!! Maybe it's time to visit Les Schwab for a new battery?
    I remember doing stuff with the kids by myself as Phil was gone alot with a job for a couple years. Lots of travel so I kinda got used to it but didn't always like it. Hang in there.
    By the way , I'm sending your book on Monday!!! Quilt is getting mailed as well, finally!!! :0)

  3. Grandma Becky,
    We got the battery from Les Schwab only two months ago. I don't think the battery is the problem. Something in the car is draining in randomly and we can't figure out what it is. Guess we'll have to take it in :(

    Looking forward to receiving the book!


  4. That's one thing I do miss about the snow (well, I do miss the snow more than just for that one thing) and that's sledding! Thanks for sharing.

    PS, are you sure it's not the battery? We had a Wal-Mart battery that did that recently. It was purchased in May and by mid-July would not hold a charge. We took it back and they replaced it and we have not had a problem since.

  5. Ruth,
    You may be right. I should take it into Les Schwab and have them at least check it before I take the car to a mechanic. May save me a lot of money if that is all it is.

  6. It looks like fun was had by all. And all the kids are colorfully outfitted with rosy cheeks and pretty snowsuits!

  7. What fun! I loved those times around a winter bonfire. It has been too long ago ... I use to ice-skate the ponds and rivers.

  8. Jackie..

    what a great way to spend your 'gym' activies! I so loved sledding when I was young and gave this addiction to my children while they were growing up.

    Now that I'm ah.. a 'blue bird'.. I'll just read and watch sledding adventures.. just give me the heat and the sand during the colder months.

    Love the photos from your life as I feel apart of it.

  9. Looks like a good time was had by all.

    I'm like you and am not into sledding. Wet clothes, wet kids and cold feet do not make for a good time. But it is good to do something like that anyway. Good job!

  10. Oh what memories you are makin' with your kiddos. Hope everyone was treated with a cup of hot chololate!

    Have a greatly blessed day!!!

  11. Looks like you had a great day sledding! I loved all of the pictures!

  12. Wow, I had one of those pull sleds as a child - such great memories of taking walks through our neighborhood while getting pulled in that!


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