Monday, February 8, 2010

First Visit From The Tooth Fairy

Josiah lost his first tooth Friday night. He waited until it literally fell out on it's own. No tooth pulling for this boy. I don't blame him, I was the same way. Josiah was quite the Tooth Fairy skeptic. He kept asking me if I believed in the Tooth Fairy. I used the avoidance tactic of "Well, all I know is when I woke up, there was a dime under my pillow where I left my tooth the night before". Luckily I convinced him to put his tooth on the desk beside him because he has camo sheets and this tooth was small! I'd have never found it. I was so tired, but I set the timer for 20 minutes after we went to bed so that we would remember to take the tooth away and leave a dollar (I guess the Tooth Fairy has to keep up with inflation rates). The next morning, Josiah comes running into our bedroom, all skepticism gone. He was so excited about that dollar bill. It was so funny, he was doing the math to see how much the rest of his teeth were worth.

Happy Monday Everyone!

Love and Blessings,
Jackie (aka Tooth Fairy)


  1. How funny Jackie! I have the giggles picturing your sweet son, calculating how much the rest of his teeth are worth! Children just have the funniest ways of looking at situations! Well done for setting the timer...the tooth fairy is not very consistent in our home!

  2. We started out doing the tooth fairy thing, when you have multiple children who frequently are loosing teeth, you often forget to do the deed.... When we divulged the truth of Santa, the Easter Bunny and Tooth Fairy came down with him. Funny thing was that the children were happy to know that no one was lurking about our home at night and we were off the hook (as far as our forgetfulness)! Oh, they still get a buck from us and a buck from both Grandma's-

  3. Congrats, Josiah! You lost your tooth and you got a bill from the Tooth Fairy.-Andrew

    Josiah, that is awesome!-Aunt Stacie

    Josiah, you are good at wiggling your tooth out-Jessica

    Thanks for the comments on my blog, Josiah!

  4. How much fun was that??? Brings back great memories and I for one can't wait till Lilly gets her first visit from a 'Grand Tooth Fairy' and a vintage silver dollar will be placed under her wee pillow. But that's a few years out for me. Still haven't broken one in yet.

    Enjoy this time!

    with love my dear,


  5. Miss those moments...

    now if my son loses a tooth he just says "Mom, you owe me some money!"

  6. haha, we've went back and forth on this too! and have some great stories resulting from all the trouble the tooth-fairy goes through. My daughter was scared to sleep in her own room on the night the tooth fairy came too! My hubby always says for them to enjoy it though because the tooth fairy doesn't have a passport to travel to mexico

  7. What a deal, Jackie! I guess I always believed in the Tooth Fairy myself, even dressed at Halloween as the Tooth Fairy one an adult! Welcome, Josiah, to the first of many losses that means a gain...somehow...:)

  8. La Family Garcia,
    Love it!

    Yes, it is one of those rare things in life that you actually gain something by losing it. Just like our lifes in Christ, to die to ourselves is to gain eternal life. So awesome!

  9. Hilarious! My kids have done that too ~ amazing what will make them into little entrepreneurs! :) Hopefully he doesn't try to get any out before they are ready! LOL!!

  10. Oh no! Don't let him pull them all out :)

    Good idea with the timer thing. Bethany lost her second tooth last month and the "toothfairy" forgot all about it. I covered it by telling her because she lost it just before bed time the toothfairy must not have realized she even lost the tooth. I may just have to try the timer thing next time.

  11. LOL We just told our middle child that her daddy and I were the tooth fairy. He paid and I left little notes for her lol She was sad but understood why the tooth fairy loved her so much. :) What cute pictures btw! <3

  12. WOOHOO The Tooth Fairy!!!! How exciting:) We have a Tooth Fairy pillow with a little pocket in it that hangs on the kids door. Makes life way easier.

  13. I LOVE your son's name...That is just too cute of story. My daughter still talks about the time she saw my husband on his hands and knees trying to get the tooth from under her pillow and slip the money, LOL

  14. Congrats on that toothless smile:) My kids love the tooth fairy. :)

  15. My grandson just lost four at one time. He had that toothless lisp for awhile - it was so cute! My children did not loose so many at once and never had that lisp.

  16. What a cute story! I do not know how many times I forgot to exchange the tooth for the dollar but lets just say eventually my kids quit believing in the tooth fairy. LO

  17. Jackie,

    My son Josiah has always let all of his teeth almost fall out too! He is so brave when it comes to almost anything else, but the whole teeth pulling thing is a little too much for him! It is cute that both of our Josiah's are like that.


  18. Glad the ACV helped with your sore throat. :O)


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