Saturday, February 13, 2010

Michael's Projects: Fitting and Designing the T-Bucket/Wooden WWI Bi-Plane

Since this is a family blog, I convinced Michael to take some pictures of the projects he's been working on so I could post them. He's been busy working on his T-Bucket Roadster, getting the body work done. Here is a picture of the passenger's side of the body after all the ripples have been covered.  This is a picture of the driver's side with the door mounted and the costume extension that he added so that my knees won't be up around my ears when I try to drive this thing eventually. Michael was blessed by our friend, Billy, who is allowing him to use his large, heated shop to work on it during the winter. If you look just in front of the rear axles, you'll see the extension plates Michael added to lengthen the frame to fit the new body extension. He hasn't done anything to the motor yet.The kids love to go over to Billy's shop and "help" when Michael gets a chance to work on the T-Bucket. They think it is a wonderful go-cart. Still haven't replaced the tires or rims. Michael will do that last. At this point in the build, he is designing and fabricating the clutch and brake systems, which did not come with the original T-Bucket. For other posts about the T-Bucket, click here.

This wood and paper WWI bi-plane model was originally purchase by Josiah at a yard sale for $1. It had almost everything in it. Michael spent all his evenings putting it together when he was working out of town in last summer. I was so impressed that he actually wanted to do this. It was unbelievable complicated to put together with all it's wooden ribs. We hung it in Josiah's room, which looks really good with his curtains that have vintage airplanes printed on them.

Just had to brag about my Valentine for a bit. Happy Valentine's Day to you all!

Love and Blessings,


  1. How great of you to share about your Valentine! Thx for the prayers for those at UAH and the community. It's all so shocking. *sigh* But on a lighter note, I hope you'll also join in our baby poll, see the link on a recent post! Fun!

  2. Wow those are so cool. Looks like you have a handy man on your hands. But I knew that from the other projects too. Very neat.

  3. Wow! I love all things with history and a story of their own to others words, other peoples junk. These pieces are cool. Can't wait to see a picture of when he is finished with his remodel.

  4. My boys would love to visit at your house! :) I have a couple of airplane enthusiasts here fun that airplane got put into your boy's room ~ looks great.


  5. My boys would be so stoked to be involved in something like that! You're very sweet to brag on your Valentine. :O) Great job on the plane, too!!

    Have a wonderful weekend and fantastic Valentine's Day!

  6. What a fun hubby you have! Isn't it wonderful that he can do something so special for Josiah AND make the T-bucket thingy ridable for you too????

  7. Your and your husband are both very talented in your own right. I cannot wait to see the final project. Love the airplane. My Josiah is very much into aircraft. I really like the way you hung it up there from the ceiling. Even my girls would love that!

  8. Jackie, Love all the photos. Was so good to hear from you. Many Prayers. Audrey

  9. That airplain looks perfect with those curtains!

    Michael is amazing, Jackie. That is truly all I can say.

    How did we marry such differently talented people? LOL!

  10. Those are both such cool projects. that is so cool that that airplane is hanging in Josiah's room.

  11. What a sweet tribute to the love of your life. It's great to have a talented guy 'round the house.

    Ya'll have a wonderfully blessed day!!!

  12. Love seeing some one else's creativity, especially when there's a family connection.


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