Monday, March 15, 2010

Baby Dedication Weekend

Doesn't this picture just say "Spring's a Comin'"? This is Hailey sitting on my mom's front porch, rockin' out. I just thought she looked so pretty. I just got back from another crazy busy weekend at my sister, Stacie's, house. Both my sister's baby, Lily, and my brother's son, Noah, were dedicated this Sunday at their church. Michael had drill, so my mom dropped me and Hailey off at Stacie's and then she and my step-dad took Josiah and Stacie's three oldest kids back to Pendleton for a fun time in Tri-Cities and playin' their Wii. She brought all the kids back in time for the baby dedication on Sunday. Here is my twin sister, Stacie, and her lovely daughter, Lily. Lily was so cute in this dress! She was the only girl getting dedicated that day, so she was the quite the princess. Despite the time-change, all the kids did really well.Hailey was holding Lily's had at the beginning of the service. Stacie sang "That's Your Mother's Prayer" for Lily and managed to get through the whole thing without cracking. She was struggling to stay composed (hard to sing to your baby, especially when it will likely be your last one), but she did it beautifully!The reason this dedication was so important is that their pastor is going through severe chemo right now. He made it to church to do the dedication, although he was unable to preach. I know it meant the world to these parents to have him pray over each of their children. He is an awesome man and it is amazing to see the power of God working in him despite his bleak cirmcumstances. Here is a picture of Pastor Steve praying over Lily.Pastor Steve praying over Noah, who just wanted Mom ;)After the church service, all the immediate family went back to Stacie's house for a soup/salad/bread lunch. We had a wonderful time visiting and catching up. I snapped this picture of my brother, Jerry, with his son, Noah. They make quite a pair. He's a wonderful dad. I'm happy to have found out recently that I'm going to be an aunt again as Jerry and Sonya are expecting! We are all so excited for them. Children are indeed a blessing.

Mom and Larry took us back to her house and we ate dinner with them and played Wii Fit. I'm so sore!

Josiah totally blessed me today. I was on the phone ministering to a friend, and it was one of those phone calls where you just can't hang up. Josiah asked if he could make lunch. A jolt of panic went through me, but I decided to just let him and not say a word. I even walked out of the room so that I wouldn't try to "help". What were the results? A beautifully, we'll balanced chef salad. Then he said he wanted to learn to do the dishes. Double shocker!! He did them, and did them well. My little man is growing up :)

Hope you all had a great weekend.

Love and Blessings,


  1. Sounds like you had a beautiful weekend! And Josiah making a Chef salad is amazing. What a great help to you!

  2. Sounds like a blessed and fun weekend. I love it when children do something unexpected and it turns out that they can do more than we think they could. Have a great week.

  3. Love the baby dedications. Our church usually does them on Mother's Day.

    Love the precious one with red hair!!! Speaking of red hair, thanks so much for keeping Sawyer in your prayers.

    prayers for the pastor...

  4. What a wonderful, meaningful weekend. Baby dedications are always so special. The girls looked so pretty.

  5. Beautiful weekend!!
    Blessings, andrea

  6. Hailey looks so cute in that first picture. I just loved that dress on Jess. Good job, Josiah on taking the iniative and making mom her salads. I'm so proud of you, Honey!

    Thanks again for all your help. It was such a blessing that you watched the kids for that TKD test. Love you!

  7. Love that first picture of Hailey. What a doll!

    Sounds like you had a very full weekend. Don't you just love those?

    And don't be fooled by my healthy meal, sometimes we still head to the snack shack for a burger cuz' it's easier!

  8. Hailey looks like she's on the cover of some Home Lovely magazine! The dedication pictures are quite nice, doesn't Steve look good! And I'm so proud of your Josiah for his helpfulness. You are so blessed!

  9. My daughter was baptized on Mother's Day. It made for a wonderful memory.

    After she was presented to the congregation, she grabbed the microphone and said Hi. It was priceless. She was seven months old.

    She told me on the way in the door to church this past Sunday, "Mommy, I love it here and want to come here always."
    It really made the Pastors day.

    Have a blessed day.

  10. what a sweet pastor to come just for the dedication. I know that meant alot. I just love baby dedications. So important.

  11. I just love that picture of the two girls holding hands!

    Psalm 100:5
    "For the LORD is good and His love endures forever; His faithfulness continues through all generations."

  12. You have a beautiful family. I love baby dedications! It is a wonderful way to welcome spring.


  13. All of these pics are great...but that first one is just something special! Totally frame-worthy! How wonderful to share this kind of time with your family!

  14. Aww...I loved the photograph of Hailey in her beautiful dress!

    What a great bleesing to you that your son made lunch...I bet he felt so confident after you allowed him to do that!

    Sounds like you had a great weekend Jackie!

  15. I love that sweet picture of Hailey! She is adorable! It sounds like you had a wonderful weekend with your sister and her family. I saw some of Lily's dedication pictures on her blog too. She is just as cute as can be too.

    That is awesome about Josiah wanting to become more independent in the kitchen. And learn to do the dishes? oh my! Let him learn! I have a 16 year old now who does not even want to step foot in the kitchen for any reason and would rather starve than make his own sandwich. LOL


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