Monday, March 22, 2010

Monday Meandering

This weekend was very productive but fun. My MIL, Kay, came up for a visit. The kids had a great time playing with her in their world. I snapped this precious picture of Kay, teaching Josiah how to waltz. It was so sweet. Hailey got a turn, too. Kay is good for me because she is always encouraging me to relax, something that doesn't come naturally to me. I made some homemade silly puddy for the kids, and Hailey wanted to use it like play dough. She ended up getting this all over her clothes, I think we'll stick with homemade play dough next time. She can play with stuff like this for hours. Hailey is getting old enough to play a few simple games with Josiah. It delights my heart to see them playing together.Since we had to wait for the foundation of our new addition to dry, we decided to concentrate on getting our garden ready. I'll post more on that later this week. In the meantime, we already did our first gardening mistake. Last Tuesday, we just couldn't wait any longer and got excited and planted our seeds in a Jiffy planter. It holds 72 plants. We planted 2 to 3 seeds in each little "pot".  All I can say is those heirloom seeds we got through are quite viable. I took this picture today (Monday) and oh my gosh, I wasn't expecting they would germinate or grow so quickly. They are looking quite spindly, but otherwise healthy. The bad thing is that we have at least another month before we can put these puppies into the ground. This means we're going to have to transplant them into bigger pots and store them somewhere in the house (still trying to figure out where) until we can plant them in the garden. Ooops! I'll do this as soon as they get their second set off leaves. That is what we get for not being patient, more work for ourselves. Since I'm meandering today, I thought I'd throw in this picture of Josiah showing his creation at Lego Club last Friday. He had such good time. I love seeing all the different things these kids create. Even Hailey was getting into the action. She found a pink Lego Lady and played with her for the entire hour.

My dear MIL surprised me on Friday and asked if she could take the kids back home with here for Spring Break. So, I'm sitting here, enjoying the quiet, although I keep catching myself wanting to get up and check on the kids because it is too quiet ;) This is the first time I've been without both kids in my own home in six years. Let me tell you, it is weird, but I'm enjoying it. I know I'll be missing them in a few days, but I gotta tell you, it is nice to pick something up and know that it is going to stay that way (at least until they get home). What are my big plans? I'm making cheese, butter and ice cream today. I'll have time to catch up on my blogging and database work. I even plan on doing some scrapbooking and going out to lunch with a friend. I'm also looking forward to some romantic evenings alone with my hubby. He's already told me he wants to take me out on a date, a rare treat indeed. If the weather is good, I could actually hop on the Harley and go for as long of a ride as I want or go run errands on it. It is amazing how you really can appreciate the little things when you don't get to do them very often.

I hope you all had a great weekend. If you have time, leave me a comment and tell me what you did this weekend. 

God Bless,


  1. WOW!!

    Hope you have an awesome week!
    Blessings, andrea

  2. Wow...quiet? What is that. Something staying picked up? what is that. LOL Enjoy your time alone. How sweet of your MIL. Loved the waltzing picture too. Cute.

  3. Great pics! I hope you get to enjoy these few days...I, too, appreciate the simple things! And yay for dates, too!

  4. Great photos and how blessed you are that your MIL is spending time with your kiddos -- and giving you the week off! YAY!
    Saw a movie over the weekend and tried a new burger joint. Pretty relaxing all in all.

    Have a great week my friend!

    PS - do you have a dairy close by for a raw milk source?

  5. Lisa,
    Yes, our raw milk source is only 20 minutes away. We have 6 people on our milk drop and we all take turns going out to get the milk every week. So I only have to get milk every 6 six weeks. Very nice!

    Sounds like you had a fun weekend :)

  6. What a fun post. Love your pictures of the kids dancing with their grandma. Fun.
    Enjoy your time alone and with your honey too. (I know you miss the kids also.)
    We had a fun weekend. The oldest two girls had a competition associated with their Word of Life program (piano, poetry, quiz team, and praise band), so while they were gone their younger sisters and I met my mom and grandma at the park to feed the ducks. Then we all went to Bruster's that night in our pj's to get free waffle cones. :) Sunday was a wonderful day of worship and rest.
    Thanks for your great post.
    In His love,

  7. Yikes! Those seeds did spring up quickly!

    Enjoy the quiet while you can. I know it feels weird when my kids are gone. Weird but pleasant. Still I'm glad it doesn't last.

  8. So ride on over, I'm free on Friday!! HA! Have a good week in the quiet but I know you're missing them! You had to remind me about planting seeds in the Jiffy seed starter. I have the starters up, not seeds in them. Maybe tonight! Hugs!

  9. My weekend was extremely busy but blessed. Sounds like you all had a wonderful time. Homemade ice cream..yum yum,and oh I can hear that Harley

  10. It is very good for you to have this time. God is using this time for you to refresh yourself.

    I love the picture of the waltzing. This is so cute.

    Please pray for me. I need prayers right now. Thank you.

  11. Well, you are in for some sweet treats, Jackie! Life is great with kids, and it is sweet without them too because you get to figure out who YOU are without them...the really fun part of 'figuring'.

  12. How fun! Your kids have had a great week of fun times! Silly putty?? Oh. Dear. Me. LOL...I know about those types of things getting where you don't want them to be! :) How neat that your Josiah is in a "Lego Club" boys would have loved to do something like that! But I suppose with three of them it was like a private Lego Club in our home.

    Have a FABULOUS day!

  13. More light and the plants will be less spindly. Get a grow light right down on top of them. Being cool slows growth down too.

    Love you all.

  14. Love the pics. I was waltzing with my granddaughters last week! I got two of the grandgirls the big pink Lego boxes for Christmas. What a hit they were! Your plants germinated very rapidly...amazing!

    You have yourself a wonderfully blessed day,sweetie!!!

  15. Wow certainly had a very productive weekend! Way to go on all your planting!

    I love that Josiah attends a 'lego club'...what a fantastic idea! Lego's are such a great, creative toy!

    Been a poor blogger this week...raging headache resulting from a neck I have been hiding in the dark and away from loud sounds! Lol! Starting to heal now should be back in full health in a day or so.

    Thank you for sharing your wonderful, productive weekend!

    God Bless

  16. You are so funny! I knew you wouldn't be able to wait with those seeds. Where in the world are you going to put those things?

    I'm so glad you had a nice visit with Grandma Kay!

  17. Wow, what a treat! I hope you enjoy your time.

    My mom did that once and 3 weeks later I announced Piglet's pregnancy - so she swears she will never again!

    Those do look like some good seeds!!


  18. What a fun time you had. I just got done posting the high-lite of my weekend.

    Aren't the quiet times special! I had one also.

  19. Wow! Look at those plants! And what a MIL you have.


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