Monday, March 8, 2010

Princesses, Tea Parties and Tooth Fairies

Hailey was invited to her friend, Becca's (far right), 2nd birthday party. It was princess themed. All the girls were dressed in there princess outfits. It was adorable. Loved the games. The first game they played was find the poison apple (the red apple). After the game we cut them up and had them with lunch. It was the first time Hailey had ever been invited to a birthday party (that wasn't for a cousin).

Michael took Josiah to the AWANA games. His team won second place. Michael didn't take any pictures because I had the camera. Mmm, thinking maybe two cameras would be a good idea on days when we need to divide and conquer.Last week, the kids begged to have a tea party. We all dressed up and I ended up using it as a homeschool tool. First we made cookies to go with our tea and then I got out the fine china (Hailey's first time). We put on our best British accents and pretended that Josiah was a British soldier whom I (loyal to the English crown) invited to tea because he reminded me so much of my own son who had run away from home to join up with those "rascal rebels".   We had a wonderful conversation, talking about actual historical events surrounding the American Revolution and working on tea manners. Don't mind my unpolished tea set! This was impromptu. The set was given to my grandma and grandpa for their 25th wedding anniversary.I didn't feel like putting on the whole costume. However the kids were thrilled when I put on my tea hat and Hailey's boa. This tea cup belonged to my step-grandmother. I love it!Josiah lost another tooth last Wednesday. Before he let me help pull it out, he asked me to write a letter to the Tooth Fairy. It said, " Dear Tooth Fairy, I want you to leave my tooth on my desk because I want to have it for show and tell. Please go ahead and leave a $1 and on Friday you can take my tooth. Love, Josiah" This kid knows how to work the Tooth Fairy. Being a mom and the Tooth Fairy can get complicated! I remembered to leave the dollar on Wednesday, but forgot to get the tooth on Friday. Luckily, Saturday morning I woke up before he did and remembered. I was able to sneak into his room and get the tooth. Whew!

Hope you all had a great week and I look forward to catching up with my blogging soon.

God Bless,


  1. How adorable is that? What a really cool idea and I like the lengths to which you took it with the British accent and all. Love it!:)

    Yes, your boys knows how to work it. He might make a good hostage negotiator when he grows up. :O)


  2. Aren't teas the greatest? I wish you were closer. My daughter loves teas too.

    I hope you have a blessed day.

  3. It looks like you had a great time with the tea.

    I agree, being the tooth fairy and the mom gets to be a bit overwhelming (and it doesn't help that I have a very bad memory). I've been known to forget about the lost tooth and for several nights in a row. :/ The kids have even gotten to the point where they'll leave a large note for me on my bed reminding me about their dollar (they all know I play the tooth fairy).

  4. Okay I was cracking up at the Tooth Fairy letter. He's making it complicated isn't he? LOL!
    Loved the other pictures by the way!

  5. So sweet of your son to send the toothfairy a letter! Glad you remembered also...I forgot a tooth this week and now we can't find it!

    I absolutely love the teacups you were using for your teaparty. They were so pretty and delicate. I would love to have a set someday...

    Would have been fun to hear your British accents...especially as I'm originally from England! Although after living in Ireland for nearly ten years I have picked up a little of the Irish accent!

    Great photographs Jackie!

    God Bless

  6. You did such a great job with the tea party! They are soooo cute!

  7. Whew.. I feel like I just got of a merry-go-round here.. what a life you have there. I guess being an empty nester now I quickly forgot just how busy I used to be. But now.. life seems still compared to your home.

    I send my love and well wishes.. glad the tooth fairy came to the rescue.


  8. Hailey looks adorable at her princess party. How fun for her!!! My mom does tea parties with my girls alot and has ever since they were little. they love it and already have great memories from doing them.

    I have so many lousy mom as the tooth fairy stories, I couldn't even begin to tell them all. You did good though. :)

  9. Oh how fun! I miss those days with my little ones. Now I just enjoy other's little ones.

    My boys used to love the AWANA games. Now my 16 year old helps out with them at our church!

  10. That's great you play with your kids like that and teach them at the same time. They probably have no idea how much they are learning!

    I think I've mentioned this before, but I have forgotten to be the tooth fairy too, so I can totally relate. The last time Elisha lost a tooth (I think it was Elisha?) We didn't even put it under his pillow because he forgot about it. He doesn't even know he was jipped.

  11. Loving the toothless smile and what a fun mom to have an impromptu tea party. My girls always loved the dress up princes parties. Fun

  12. Precious!! My how time flies....I am now watching my grandbaby...grow up.

    Blessings, andrea

  13. How fun, a tea party!! Glad you had a good time and you looked smashing in your outfit, my dear!! Hugs!

  14. Loved the tea party! What great memories you are making with your children!

  15. Good job on the tea party, Jackie! It takes some getting ready and willingness on the part of the 'hostess' to do one at the drop of a ....boa, shall I say? The princesses are DARLING! And, my young friend gets extra cameras at the pawn shop.

  16. Now where would we be without the little divas boas??? Heeeeheehe!

    How precious are your little ladies there?

    I'd say your little guy is off to the United Nations to negotiate world peace!

    Have a fun day filled with sweet blessings from above!!!

  17. That is too cute that you got all dressed up too!! yay Momma!


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