Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Easter/Birthday Blessings

It was wonderful to get away from our remodeling woes this weekend to be with family for Easter and my birthday. Here is the kids' Easter picture. Josiah was hard to get a picture of this weekend since he was running 90 miles an hour with his older cousins. This was the best I could do. On Saturday, my Mom and step-dad watched the children so Stacie and I could go for our annual birthday tea at the ANZAC Tea Parlor. We even had enough time to do some clothes shopping. Here is a picture of my beautiful twin sis, Stacie. You can check out her encouraging blog at www.afirefighterswife.blogspot.com. It is always a special treat to be able to spend our birthday together. Technically, our birthday was on Easter this year, but due to us celebrating Jesus rising from the dead and my niece, Lily's, first birthday, it seemed like Saturday was when we celebrated our birthday. We don't do the Easter Bunny, but I do give the kids gifts in their Easter baskets. We try not to do candy, but instead a few fun toys. This year, Hailey got a pig that pooped candy in a trough and Josiah got a milk cow that pooped candy in the milk bucket. I know, so reverent. I gave them bubble necklaces, a jump rope and a wind-up baby chick. We also gave them a bunch of plastic Easter eggs filled with extra change. Nana gave us all lots of cool stuff from her recent trip to Hawaii. She also made Hailey this adorable bathrobe that has embroidered frogs on it and on the pockets says, "Nana Loves Me" so she can learn about modesty from a young age.Here is my sister and my niece, Lily, looking Lilylicious in her Easter dress that makes her look like a little cupcake. Couldn't you just eat her up? Her cheeks were not safe that day! Our family took up two rows at church. Listened to a wonderful message by my family's pastor who is struggling with stage 4 cancer. He is amazing and an inspiration to all who know him. God is shining through him despite the most difficult circumstances. After church, we all went back to Stacie's for a big Easter dinner with family. We had an egg hunt and Lily's 1st birthday party. Me, Stacie and my SIL, Sonya, all had our birthday on Easter this year, so we opened a few gifts from family at that time as well.  I managed to snap some cute pictures of Hailey and Lily in their Easter dresses after the egg hunt at Stacie's house. It was chilly out, so we had to make it a quick photo shoot.One last picture of the lil' confection. 

When we got home that night, the house was 45 degrees. The three remaining ants in Josiah's ant farm had croaked, as did some more of our seedlings. The peas I planted in the garden died. So far I'm not doing very well with this gardening business. I would fail miserably as a meteorologist. I can't predict Eastern Oregon weather to save my life! I think the main thing I need to learn is more patience! Last night Michael was able to insulate the inside walls and the windows. It is insulated enough that we could turn the furnace on! Yeah, love central heating! I'm in a much better mood now :) We are still waiting on our doors, hoping they will come in tomorrow. 

Hope you all have a wonderful Easter. I'll be checking all your blogs soon. Thanks for hanging in there with me :)

God Bless,


  1. Jackie,

    Love all the beautiful pictures of the children! And I am so glad that you had a wonderful weekend. It sounds like it was extremely full, but definitely full of blessings! How precious that you and Stacie share a special tea time together as a tradition. You are truly blessed. Have a great week...and yes, gardening does take great patience. I tried it for the first time last year...well, let's just say most of it was a disaster! But, we are trying again this year to see what happens!

    God bless,

  2. My kids' Easter picture turned out corney too. At last Josiah was looking at the camera right?

    Glad you guys had so much fun with your family.

    Happy belated Birthday!

  3. Happy Birthday to you and Stacie! Your pictures of everything are just beautiful!! I loved seeing everyone of them.

  4. Darling kidlettes! It sounds like a fantastic b'day with your sis. I miss seeing you both, and I lost my stuff in the garden too. Today I begin with seeds again. You should be able to put your peas out directly by now.

  5. Love the pictures, Jack! It was a very fun but busy day.

  6. Oh, the little girls that freeze on Easter! The darling little dresses must be intended for those living in warmer climates or just in anticipation of the warmer weather....

    Hey, I've been writing out recipes for homemade cleaners from your blog, thanks. The laundry soap is working great (I used Ivory, I had some on hand)... I'll blog about it more, I'm tired of paying so much for cleaning supplies... Thanks for the inspiration and the nudge!!

  7. Happy Belated Birthday, Jackie! Sounds like you guys had a wonderful Easter/Birthday weekend! :)

  8. Sounds like a wonderful Easter! I love how cute they look in their dresses!

  9. It looked like the perfect weekend to celebrate Christ, Easter and birthdays! What a precious family you have there. The girls are so sweet in their little dresses and your sis is just beautiful!

    God bless and have a wonderful Wednesday!!!

  10. Happy Birthday, Jackie! Your children are adorable and loved the rosy cheeks! Where did you get the little sweater for Hailey? I need one for my granddaughter as her mommy was looking for one, in a 2T? I will have to look around, maybe at outlet mall by us a good place. I bought her the cutest little sandals at Kmart last week. A bit big but not too. White with little butterflies and on bottom was a pink fish! Go figure!! Hugs!

  11. Grandma Becky,
    Hailey got that (as with 99% of her clothes) as a hand-me-down from one of her cousins. I love that shrug though because it shows covers the arm yet, doesn't cover the pretty dress. Good luck finding one!

  12. Happy Birthday, a little late. I now have it on my calendar for next year. Glad you had a wonderful weekend. We enjoyed ours too. We found glow in the dark easter eggs and hid them for the kids to find. It would have been better if it hadn't been 38 degrees out when it got dark. Brrrr. I just love to see the pics of your little ones. I thought that we would have at least one with red hair since I was a red head. But not that lucky.


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