Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Nearly Raw Strawberry-Rhubarb Popsicle Recipe

My kids went crazy when I served them these guilt-free, healthy popsicles! They are really simple to make. I got the original recipe from an Azure Standard catalog, but I changed it around to make it as raw as possible. This recipe makes approximately 8 popsicles.

Nearly Raw Strawberry-Rhubarb Popsicles:

1. Simmer together 1 cup chopped rhubarb (fresh or frozen) with 1 Tbl water until tender
2. After cooling, add 1/4 c raw honey, mix well
3. In a blender or food processor blend:
 *rhubarb mixture
*1 cup raw plain yogurt
*1/4 cup raw strawberry jam sweetened with honey (or you can use 1/4 fresh strawberries and 1/4 cup of applesauce)
4. Pour into popsicle molds and freeze 12 to 24 hours before serving.

Hope your family likes them as much as ours does!



  1. Those look and sound perfectly delicious!

  2. i have never tried rhubarb before but my kids do like homemade popsicles. Thanks for the recipe

  3. These sound fantastic - I am going to try them once the weather warms up!:)

  4. Your little one seems to be enjoying her popsicle. Thanks for sharing.

  5. Ohh, those sound yummy. I need to start paying closer attention to the recipes i my azure catalogs.

  6. Oh, I have grandchildren coming next month. I think this should be high on the list!

  7. Goodness - those sound delicious!

  8. I have never eaten rhubarb, I don't even know what it taste like. I think I will give it a try. Anything with fresh fruit in it is better than the artificially flavored things than can be purchased from the store.

  9. I love these all natural ways to serve our children healthier options instead of the ones in the stores filled with sugars and chemicals.

    Love and Hugs ~ Kat

  10. How great is that? I bet your kids will be asking for these all summer long!! :)


  11. Tamy,
    If you don't like rhubarb, you could use apple sauce instead or two cups of a different kind of fruit.

    Glad you liked the recipe!


  12. Those sound so good! I can't get rhubarb very easily, but definitely the strawberries I can. I'm all for healthy snacks! Btw, LOVE the photo of Josiah and Hailey up at the top of your blog! It's a very adorable photo of them!

  13. Oh Yum!!! These look great. Thanks for the recipe.

    Also thanks for the comments on my blogs You are so right about forgetting to mention gardening and cleaning products.



  14. Oh honey, the eight grandkiddos are gonna love you!!! What a precious little picture!

    Ya'll have a terrifically blessed day!!!

  15. Yum! Thank you for sharing your recipe.
    We recently ordered a catalog from Azure...we hope to place an order with them soon.


  16. Wow what a great recipe Jackie! I have saved this and what makes it especially great is that we have tonnes of rhubarb at the moment!

    Thank you for sharing!

  17. Yummmmm!! Love new rhubarb recipes! And well who doesnt love popsicles? I am making these this week! Thanks for all the great recipes!

  18. Thank you, Jackie, for the recipe. I had seen it in my Azure sales catalog a while back and intended to make it. Time slipped away and the catalog was tossed, but my desire to make the popsicles remained. A Google search connected me to your blog. Rhubarb poking through the soil is such a welcome sight after a long winter of white landscape. The popsicles will be a special treat to welcome the return of spring. BTW, I appreciate your raw adaptation of the recipe.

  19. I'm so glad you were able to find it again, Audriene. Enjoy those Popsicles!


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