Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Fourth of July Weekend

After being sick for part of last week, the primary goal for the long 4th of July weekend was to not only celebrate the birth of this great country, but to lay down the rest of our wood floor and even do a few fun things in between. My parents blessed us by taking the kids to their house for Friday and Saturday. This really helped speed up the wood flooring process. So Friday night Michael and I prepped the floor. Saturday morning we went yard saling for a couple of hours. Not a good weekend for it. I came away with one awesome item though that made wading through the other junky yard sales worth it. A genuine vintage 1950's "James Dean style" leather jacket (just my size), in good condition, for only $30! I bought it from the original owner who was very sad to see it go, but happy that it went to a good home. I love this baby! It is already broken in. Unlike my other motorcycle jacket, I've got room to layer up when it is cold. So now, I've got a cold weather jacket and a warm leather jacket.Look at the awesome detail on this jacket! There is even a cigarette pouch in the front which will be perfect for my cellphone. Sunday afternoon, Michael and I went for a ride so I could try out my new jacket (and just relax) and I loved it.Nothing like a small town 4th of July Parade. We met up with some friends, my grandma and parents (who had the kids) and watched the parade together, in a small near-by town.Sunday afternoon, we bbq'd with friends and family. We used the bbq hamburger recipe from my sweet bloggy friend, Camille. Click on here for the link that will take you to her fantastic blog and best-ever hamburger recipe.  After we stuffed ourselves silly, we started lighting small fireworks (couldn't wait until it was dark, good thing because Hailey was passed out on the couch by 6:30pm). This is my step-dad, Larry and my mom (Queen of the Fireworks) with Josiah, who is showing off his tank fireworks. Later than night, Mom, Michael, Josiah and I, drover across town to get a better view of the big fireworks. They were great as usual.Michael couldn't help himself, and got out some firecrackers he'd been saving since he was a kid and set up a "battle" with Josiah's firework tanks and army men. I laughed as I saw the boyish delight of these men as they took pleasure in trying to blow up the toy soldiers and tanks. Even men can be boys sometimes, ha ha. They were so cute!Michael planted some small fruit trees in my designated "orchard" in the backyard. We've planted a cherry, peach and nectarine so far. We want to get about 5 more trees, but it is a good start. Hopefully they survive :)This is how we've been living. We've got everything from the living room piled into the new dining room/office area while we worked to install the wood floor in the living room. Hoping things will be back to normal soon.  Here is the fruit of all our hard work (Saturday we did this). A new hardwood floor in the living area. I can't wait to cover it with a beautiful rug that Michael brought back from Iraq, but we have to wait until the finish dries (three days). Why do we work so hard on something like this and then want to cover it up? LOL. I've been waiting 5 years to use that rug. We just have to put the oak window trim around the windows, trim around the bead board on the ceiling and around the floor. I feel like we are on the downward slope with this remodel project and that we may get done by the end of the month. It'll be so nice to have it all done. It has been a long 5 months.

Other than that, the garden is doing great. Peas are coming on and the kids are addicted to them. I don't think I'll be getting any in the freezer this go around. Good thing I planted more! Soccer is keep us busy, too.

I'm going to take a blogging break for a couple of weeks, but as always, leave a comment and I'll be sure to visit your blog when I get back. Hope you all had a wonderful 4th and that you took time to reflect on our forefathers who sacrificed (and risked) so much so that we could be living in this great country. Despite all of it's problems, there is no other country on earth I'd rather live in.

Love and Blessings,


  1. "Hey hon, check out this Harley"...as hubby stood in the kitchen while I was sitting in the computer room. "Nice'.."hey hon check out the jacket she got at a yard sale"...Oh girl, I'm SO loving it. WOW...I love that guy's tat also with the cross on his arm..oh my...

    We were at a party on Saturday and five Harley's drove in..guess where I stood for most of the night, LOL

    The floor is beautiful!I'm sick with something,,not sure if it is just a cold or allergies but I feel yucky!

  2. Sounds busy, but satisfying. Love the look of your new floor! Good Job!

  3. Jackie,

    You truly are producing a lot of fruit! Not only the fruit of your labors but in your home and garden. I love it! Nothing feels better, or tastes better than doing it yourself.

    Love and Hugs ~ Kat

  4. Came across your blog and saw the beautiful red hair your children have and I smiled because I have a red head of my own! My oldest daughter's name is Hayley.:-) She is 9 years old and my youngest Kathleen is 4 years old. Just wanted to say hi and tell you what a cute blog you have! Have a great evening.

  5. I'm glad you were feeling better by the weekend, wondered why no posts but stuff happens. I love the new floor! Good deal on the leather jacket!
    We went to the rodeo in St. Paul on Sunday afternoon, it was fun. Took lots of photos and will post some soon.. Have a great week! God bless!

  6. oh yeah, some roma tomatoes are appearing in our garden and beans soon! "-)

  7. Thanks, to Michael for serving this country! Looks like a very packed busy weekend!

  8. First off, SWEET jacket and what a bargain!
    Second, I am cracking up at the army men and fireworks. That is such a guy thing! Ha!
    And thirdly, I love the wood flooring. You all are making great headway!
    Have a nice break and we'll see you when you get back!

  9. You are making really good progress.

    Hope you are feeling much better by now.

    What a sweet deal you got with your jacket. That makes the heart sing!

    The guys get so excited on the fourth - fun to see what they come up with.

  10. Glad to see all your hard work work is starting to pay off! I bet that rug will look beautiful on your lovely new flooring!...though I had to laugh also of covering your new floor just as you got it! Lol!

    Glad you got a great find at the yard sales! I love finding wonderful things at a fraction of the cost of a new one...admittedly yard sales are not really done here in Ireland but my Hubby usually scours the thift stores when he makes rare trips to Dublin. He has bought some wonderful things for our home there!

    Enjoy your blogging break Jackie! See you when you get back!

    God Bless

  11. Love your jacket.

    The floor looks great. I miss our hardwood floors that we had in Ohio.

    Have a new song on my playlist on my blog. It is Evenstar from Lord of the Rings. When you have a minute check it out.

  12. Dear Jackie ~ Good for you! It all looks GREAT!! I should post pics of our renovations...I UNDERSTAND!!!!!!!! Oh you will SO enjoy it all when it is done. Enjoy the process....it is looking WONDERFUL! I *love* the floor. :)

    What a great picture of your kids with Michael at the July 4th parade with the Ford truck going by...so cute...frame-able.

    Have a WONDERFUL break from blogging...it is good to do every so often! :)

    With Love,

  13. I tried to read your fourth of July story, but it was a dark red background with blue writting and I couldnt make it out. Nice pictures though

  14. Wow, the floor looks amazing! You all have been working so hard and the fruit of your labors are truly paying off. I know what you mean about sick children...all five of mine are sick right now. Everything gets put on hold when you have a sick house. But, God is ever faithful even in those difficult times. The parade looks like so much fun!

  15. I am really liking the army line-up - how cute!

    Your floor looks great! I use rugs in the winter to keep the floor warmer and let it go bare in the summer. I think of rugs like socks, you wear them in the winter, but around here it is flip-flops all summer long!


  16. Good afternoon~

    I found you through Kat. I saw you had left a comment for her and your blog name just jumped out at me! lol

    I really like your blog. I'll be back!


  17. Oh my goodness, Hailey's getting so big!


So many blogs, so little time. If you leave a comment, I'll do my best to stop by your blog for a visit. Thanks for taking the time to encourage me today! Please ask permission before taking pictures off of my blog. Thank you!