Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Flower Among the Weeds

Last month, my sister took me and the kids (along with her six kids) to another pioneer cemetery near the ranch my parents manage. It was a beautiful little Catholic cemetery - many immigrants from Ireland. The head stones said which counties they were from in Ireland. It was fascinating. Even though it was hot and dry, there were a lot of late-blooming flowers (mostly) weeds. It was a perfect place for an impromptu photo shoot. Josiah won't ever stand still long enough, so Hailey usually ends up being my subject. Even though my camera stinks (hoping to get a new one for Christmas), I came up with this one really good shot. Doesn't it just scream, "Miss Personality"?Browsing through the flowers.I absolutely love this shirt. Normally I don't like red on Hailey (because of her hair and skin tone), but for some reason this shirt works. Thanks, Abby!I love the way the wind is blowing her hair in this picture.I was trying to experiment with some foreground work. I liked the wrought-iron fence, headstone in the corner and children in the tall vegetation. Jacob (Stacie's son) and Hailey were having a great time playing in the weeds together. This cemetery has an incredible view as you can see by the horizon. You could many of the mountains in the Cascades. What a beautiful place to rest in peace.

There is so much history in old cemeteries. So much left up to the imagination. Great homeschooling opportunities await in pioneer cemeteries. 


  1. Such beautiful picture, Jackie! Good job! I'm glad we got to go that day. I would love to have a copy of the one with Hailey and her flower, please!

  2. What a little sweetheart that Haily is girl....she's just a livin' doll. I loved your pics, you did a fantastic job!

    God bless ya and have yourself a glorious day!!!

  3. What beautiful pictures. I love all the overgrown and tall flowers with the kids winding their way through.

    Love and Hugs ~ Kat

  4. Beautiful shots!! The red shirt looks nice on her. :-)

  5. Loving the did good. I'm wanting a Canon DSLR and maybe end of year? All I need to do is sell some of my work and it will help. Thanks for sharing! Hugs!

  6. Such nice pics of your little girl!


  7. I have an award for you at my blog because you have been so kind.


  8. Beautiful photos of your little girl in an incredible setting!! I love pioneer cemeteries and have visited quite a few of them; they are very peaceful places-especially those out in the country!
    I always enjoy visiting your blog! Take care always:)
    PS: I finally broke down and bought a DSLR after much research but still use my point & shoot at times too (along with photo software).

  9. Such pretty photos Jackie! I think your little girl is adorable...and that little blouse is sweet on her...I agree. :)


  10. Kids can't get much cuter!

  11. Oh my gosh Jackie, these pictures are beautiful! I think you've found the perfect christmas present for grandparents! You are a lovely photographer!


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