Monday, August 2, 2010

Horse Camp at the Beach, Part 3

So as most of you know, camping is all about the food, especially when you're at the beach. We ate out of the ice chest all weekend so that we could afford to spend some $$$ on seafood. The second night we were there we bought oysters to cook over the camp fire and some steamer clams. We cooked the oysters until they started to pop open. We popped the top off the shells and continued to cook them in the shell, topping them off with a mixture of butter, Worcestershire sauce, Parmesan cheese and bacon bits. Unbelievably yummy! This is the way I learned to eat oysters and a good way to get kids to eat them, too. The last night we camped, we got fresh crab. It was Hailey's first time ever eating crab. She wasn't a big fan, but Josiah ate his share and hers.For lunch one day, we all roasted brats and dogs of the fire. My step-mom brought the giant marshmallows. They were extremely messy, got all over the kids clothes and faces. My sister is demonstrating how best to eat one, LOL!How's this for a classic kid camping face?My sister's daughter, Jessica, is a perfect example of giant marshmallow messiness.The cool thing about camp life for Hailey is that she always had a lap to sit on. Here she is snuggling up with Great-Papa Fay.This is a parting shot of Josiah trying desperately to ride a bike that was too big for him, without training wheels (he wants to keep up with his cousins so badly). He exhausted his Mom and Dad in the process. He just doesn't have the coordination yet. We need to get a bike that fits him.  

Thanks for visiting. Hope you are having a great week. I've got something wrong with the sound on my computer, so I'm going to have to take it into the doctor today. Hope to be back on-line soon.

God Bless,


  1. These pictures are great! Love the dirty face and marshmallow fun!! That is what camping's all about! Enjoy!

  2. Bethany gets dirty like that quite often! And yes, definitely get Josiah a bike that fits him, Bethany is now riding a two wheeler with not troubles as of Saturday. Elisha struggled a lot in the beginning when we took off his training wheels because he hadn't grown into his bike yet.

    I agree with Hailey, I'm not such a fan of crab either :0)

  3. I'm having flashbacks from that giant marshmellow! Wow, that thing was BIG!

    I love Josiah's dirty face. Can't wait till he can ride a bike with his cousins!

  4. Oh, boy! Looks like good eating and fun. The kids are so cute.

  5. YUMMY! Looks like some great food and wonderful times were had!

  6. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  7. I love the combination of pictures from your blog and Stacie's. It looks like a great time was had by all.

  8. What a WONDERFUL post Jackie! How fun it all looks! YUM...crab is a real treat...never had it at a campfire before though. Great pictures of the it! :)


  9. Looks like such a great time. I love roasting Marshmallows. Thanks for sharing. Have a great week. Blessings,


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