Monday, September 6, 2010

Fun Yard Sale Finds

Sorry if some of you have already seen this post. I accidently scheduled my post for the wrong day. Oops! If you haven't seen it, read on.  What a blessing that we were able to go yard saling the last three weekends in a row! Not only did I freshen up all of our wardrobes and get some practical things like canning jars, we got a lot of fun things that we normally wouldn't be able to afford to buy. One of my favorite things is this great deal on a vintage apron. I got it for $1. Doesn't even look like it has been worn. Isn't it too cute?!!! Yes, I wear it. Josiah has been wanting a microscope, but I didn't think he was old enough. Well, I couldn't pass this nice microscope up for just $3, including all the accessories. Looks like one you would use in college. My little scientist was in heaven. My only regret is that I got so excited I gave it to him right away. I should have saved it for Christmas. Oh well.We also found some gently used Lincoln Logs. The kids are having a ball with these.I got this large basket for $2 to replace my overflowing homeschool material basket. I keep everything I'm using right now in that basket on the buffet. Love it!Hailey is holding up this gorgeous skirt I got for a $1. Maybe I shouldn't have let her hold it, it looks huge, LOL. Anyway, super cute.We got this nearly new plastic kitchen set with accessories for $7. The kids both play with it. We've been wanting one for awhile that wasn't too big. This was the perfect size and the perfect price.We also got a brand new slip and slide and barely used kid's pool. They threw this butterfly float in for free. I'm also stoked that we were able to replace our carpet cleaning machine with an identical one that is in better condition. Yeah! I got the suitcase for $2 and the bread machine for free at a "Free Market" one of the local churches put on. I was able to get some classy Christmas and fall decorations there, too, all for free. The kids have come away with so many toys, we've had to do a bedroom purge to make room for all the new things. 

Thank you, God, for yard sales! What blessings You've given us. Just had to share!

God Bless,


  1. Oh wow - you did good! I really like the apron, never saw one like it but it seem very practical.

    Sorry I haven't been around in a while but I took a break and now I'm back at a new location - no longer at Suburban Simplicity.



  2. Looks like you had a great day. That kitchen is the exact one Ella has -I paid more than $7 :( Ella loves her kitchen.

  3. I love the skirt and the apron! The kids went crazy when they saw the microscope!

    What finds! I wish we could have yard saled together this year.

  4. Oh! My! You did SO well!! I wish I had the inclination to go to yard sales, but I just don't. When I 'happen' upon one on a walk, it is usually very productive. So, thanks for the nudge. The season is probably over, but I want what you got! I LOVE that apron@!!

  5. Wish you could take me yard-saling.... I always seem to miss the good stuff until someone else has it in hand.

    Love the skirt!

  6. Hey Jackie, I think last year you did a post on doing your own yearly "school" pictures. I've been contemplating doing the same thing. I follow this blog called Mt. Hope Chronicles, a homeschooling mom in this area, but she recently did a guest post on this blog about school pictures that I thought was interesting:

    I'll let ya know, if i really follow thru and do our own, or just get lazy and do the school ones!

    Our first day of school is tomorrow, happy first day of homeschool to you and your kiddos!

  7. Jackie,

    GREAT FINDS! I really like yard sales too, I just haven't seemed to be able to do them lately. But, you truly can find some great deals. I know you will enjoy yours!


  8. Dear Jackie ~ How WONDERFUL!!! Isn't the LORD so good to us?? How amazing all those deals were! I grew up with Lincoln Logs...they are great for the kids to play with aren't they? AND the kitchen and the bread machine and and and...WOW! Isn't it faith building when we find things that we were hoping for at such great prices...seemingly put there just for us? The LORD does precious. :)


  9. oh my oh my i am so green with envy...i love all your goodies especially the vintage housewife apron....ekkkkkkkk! wonderful and fantastic!!!!! the kids are getting so big...glad i popped by adorable...huggs Cat


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