Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Local Deployment Ceremony

The battalion (3-116th Cavalry) that Michael was part of for 14 years just deployed. This last year he moved to a different battalion for promotional purposes. It was strange to watch this ceremony knowing I was going to have my husband home this time (his new battalion is slated to go in a couple of years). We both have been feeling guilty yet relieved that we get to stay together as a family a little longer, unlike so many of our friends. We felt so bad for the soldiers and their families who are making this tremendous sacrifice for the next year. We are so proud of each of them and stand by ready to serve the families left behind.Many motorcycle groups joined forces with the Patriot Guard to line the perimeter of the parade field with American flags and then escort them out of town. Michael is third motorcyclists from the left. The kids and I were so proud of him for taking time off work to do this.One unit out of four, marching onto the field.The battalion was too spread out, so this was the best shot I could get of most of them. The presentation of colors to the Oregon Governor (black suit).Josiah was so cute. He was copying whatever the soldiers were doing. If they were saluting, he'd salute. If they were at attention, he was at attention. If they were at ease, he was at ease. So precious! Hailey was dressed in her patriotic shirt and impatiently watched the ceremony.She wanted to wear the necklace I made during the time Michael was last deployed. It is very special to me and she seemed to sense that. 

I wish I would have had my camera handy when we went downtown for the final farewell as the buses drove through town on their way to the freeway. My friend sent me this picture of the kids. It was a sight to see. I was thrilled to see how many people were lining the streets and how many motorcyclists were escorting the buses full of soldiers. 

God, please keep these precious servants and their families safe. Take care of their every need.  Hold them in the shadow of your wing.  For those who don't know the hope that is found in You, please show them that Truth through this deployment. Increase their faith. May their lives glorify You. 

In Jesus Name, Amen!


  1. Praying for the families and the soldiers! What an awesome way to send these guys out...that's great! Fun pictures....but I know how hard it is to see them all go. My husband is also a veteran and any time I see a deployment it makes my heart feel that familiar ache. Now my son is a Marine and I know it's a very real possibility that he will also be called to serve. Praying for your family and the families of the soldiers that have just left! Your kids are SO cute! :)

  2. Lots of prayers to the families. I myself didn't have to go thru George's deployments. He was out before we met.

    Your babies are just adorable.

  3. Jackie, thank you for this post. I don't know if Tyler was there, but I imagined him to be. Your post allowed me to be there with him.

  4. That is so sweet that Hailey has that same necklace on.

    Sorry they were such stinkers at the ceremony. It makes it hard to reflect and appreciate. But your children will know how important it is and that you made this a priority even though Michael is not going with them this time.

    Love you, Sis!

  5. Oh goodness this post just brought the tears streaming down my face. It brought back all the emotions that I've felt each time we've had to say goodbyes to our own soldier.

    I really know what you mean when you said that you were both relieved and guilty that your hubby isn't going with them. My hubby should be in Iraq right now, but he injured his shoulder during his deployment training in March and was released from his deployment. I've never felt more relieved yet guilty at the same time.

    Anyways, I pray the Lord would comfort both the soldiers and their families during this trial of separation.

  6. Thank you SO much for documenting this! It was really nice for Jason to be able to see the pics. Wish we could have been there to show our support. We are so proud to know some of those soldiers who are going~

  7. Well just look at those adorable red-headed children!

    May God richly bless you for the sacrifices you have given...

  8. Thanks for sharing the Photos. I'm assuming Michael helped escort them to Idaho, with the rest of PGR? Tell him thanks for doing that! Hugs! Thanks for your precious, thoughtful comment on the loss of our PGR friend last week. I'm slowly getting over it.

  9. As always, we'll have them all in our prayers, families included. What a special thing to have so many turn out to wish them good travels. I wish we could have been there.

  10. What a wonderful tribute to those who are being deployed Jackie! You must be so relieved that your Michael is with you for a little longer. Don't feel guilty...enjoy these days...they are precious! We are thankful for all those who have fought for the freedoms we enjoy. Thank your husband from us. :)


  11. My Name Is Veronica Jordan And My Son Tyler Hendon Was There He Is Catherine Smith's Grandson. I Was Also There Which I Wouldn't Have Missed It For The World Thank You For Sharing You "View" On The Ceremony. I Am So Very Proud Of My Son And The Man That He Has Because. I Pray For Him Every Single Day Thank You Again.

  12. Veronica,
    I'm so glad you found this post! I was honored to write it and be there. You must be so proud of your son, Tyler. I pray he will return safely home. Thanks again for leaving a comment. It really made my day!



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