Thursday, September 16, 2010

My Favorite Dutch Oven Camping Recipes

I promised you in my last post that I would post some of my favorite Dutch oven recipes. I love this picture of Hailey warming her toes by the low fire you need when Dutch oven cooking. We like using a tripod because you can adjust it up or down depending on how much heat you need. You don't have to have this, it is just a little more convenient. I corn my beef ahead of time. You can use a pre-prepared corned beef, but it is way healthier if you corn your own. You can use whatever cut of meat you would like. I used a sirloin tip roast for this. 

Homemade Corned Beef Recipe:

4-8 lbs of beef (any cut)
1 cup kosher salt
1 Tbl pickling spices
1 tsp peppercorns (doesn't matter what kind)
2 bay leaves
6 garlic cloves, minced
1 c sucanat (or brown sugar)
1 gallon of water

Combine everything in a pan and bring to a boil. Stir until dissolved. Put meat in a glass pan and pour brine over. Weigh meat down if necessary to keep it under brine. Turn every now and then. Leave in brine for at least 24 hours, 3 to 5 days is better.

To cook: Discard brine and place meat in a Dutch oven (We use 12 to 14 inch). Pour in enough water to cover meat. Cover and boil at a low, study boil for 3 to 4 hours. Check periodically to make sure water is covering meat. Add carrots, onion, potatoes, cabbage and another Tbl of pickling spices (optional) and cook for another 30 minutes or until veggies are tender. We love this recipe. It is a really easy camping recipe. I make the rice ahead of time so it doesn't take so long to cook. 

Dutch Oven Beef Stroganoff Recipe:

1/2 lb bacon bite sized pieces
3 lbs steak bite-sized pieces (stew meat works well, too)
1 onion (wedged)
4 garlic cloves, chopped
1 1/2 lbs sliced mushrooms
1 to 2 cups sour cream
2 cups cooked rice (I like a mixture of whole grain jasmine and wild rice)
salt, pepper and parsley (optional) to taste

Brown bacon and steak in bottom of 12 inch Dutch oven. Brown until bacon is well rendered. Add onion and garlic until sautéed. Add enough water to cover meat and simmer (covered of course) for 2 hours or until meat is tender. Be sure to check periodically to see that meat is covered with water. Add mushrooms, rice, salt, pepper and parsley. Cook another 30 minutes. Stir in sour cream and serve. Sure to be a hit, even for picky eaters! 

This is the easiest Dutch Oven Recipe I own. Another wonderful camping meal.

Dutch Oven Smoked Sausage and Cabbage Recipe:

1 head of cabbage (wedged)
1/4 cup butter
1 lb smoked sausage, cut up
salt and pepper to taste
onion wedges and garlic (optional)

In a 12 in. Dutch oven, place cabbage in Dutch oven. Salt and pepper. Put butter on top along with sausage. Add a little water to help steam the cabbage. The flavors of the smoked sausage and butter dripping over the cabbage is indescribable! Cook until cabbage is at desired tenderness. 

You can do any of these recipes in a regular oven as well, if you want to try it out before you go camping.



  1. I really need to do the sausage and cabbage recipe again. It is so yummy! I want to try corning my own beef too. Thanks for posting the recipes!

  2. Well, I think I could 'corn' some beef! We don't eat sausage, but that looks good anyway. Thanks for sharing the recipe!

  3. The stroganoff recipe sounds good, but I gotta tell ya that my picky eater would still have a problem. She doesn't like anything with "sauce" on it. She'll eat it, but I doubt it'd be a hit with her :)

    On the flip side, I just might try it anyways!

  4. It all looks and sounds sooo yummy Jackie! :)

  5. Yum to that smoked sausage and cabbage. OMGosh that looks so good.

  6. Looks awesome! I love dutch ovens. I want one. Unfortunately hubby hates camping. :(

  7. Sah-weet! I'm soooo going to corn my own beef now (okay, that sounded better in my head that it did once I typed it). :) Thanks for the recipes! Dave is going to get me one of those tripods. I need it!!! :)


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