Saturday, October 2, 2010

100 Year Anniversary of the Pendleton Round Up

As usual, we had a great time at the Pendleton Round Up, but this year it was extra special as it was the Round Up's 100th birthday! They did a bang up job. The Westward Ho parade was so big that they had to start it an hour earlier and reverse the route so that it wouldn't clog up the roads near the rodeo grounds. The kids and I watched with my mom and step dad, while Michael continued his annual tradition of riding shotgun for my grandpa, the parade's oldest teamster. Here is Hailey waiting for the parade to begin in her finest cowgirl wear.

One of the many chiefs represented. 

The parade kicked off with 100 riders carrying American flags. There was no way to capture it on film. It was a sight to see! Hailey and Josiah were yelling "Let 'er Buck" the whole parade. I think the parade lasted about 3 hours. There were rodeo queens who came from as far away as Ft. Worth, TX and Cheyenne, WY.

Grandpa, Michael and Regina (riding beside), pulling a chuck wagon with Grandpa's small draft horses. Fiords (sp?)

Hailey was leaning on Larry Pop's head and sucking her thumb, something she always does when she gets tired. It was a big weekend for the little ones, but they had fun.

We didn't get to go to the rodeo, but there is plenty of family friendly entertainment downtown that is free. The kids each got to ride the mechanical bull (not free). They both did pretty darn good!

There was an amazing slight of hand magician there. Josiah (my bashful one, ha ha) volunteered to be of assistance. He was so cute! Of course, he was just eating up the attention of the crowd. Not a shy bone in either of my kid's bodies.

Hailey taking her turn at riding the bull. They were good about giving the kids a gentle ride, although for 10 bucks, you'd think they could have gone on a LITTLE longer than 1 minute.

We stumbled on this amazing artist who was doing cowgirl bronzes. She was from Texas and was an art teacher as well. She showed the kids how to make a clay horse that you could bake and then paint. It really was very cool! The kids had a great time with this.

My camera isn't fast enough, but the really neat part of our Round Up experience was when we were standing in the Round Up Park outside the gates of the rodeo grounds and during the National Anthem, four fighter jets came screaming down low over the arena on a fly-by. They split, came back around and, two by two they stalled out of the arena, hit their after-burners and jetted straight up in the air. It was incredibly loud, but it made you proud of our troops to watch those guys. Amazing! I felt sorry for any horses and riders in that arena. I'll bet the rodeo started before it was supposed to, hee hee. Would have love to watch the rodeo, but just too expensive, besides, they were completely sold out. Someday, we'd like to take the kids when they can really appreciate it. In the meantime, we'll enjoy all the other free family friendly assets of the Pendleton Round Up. 

God Bless,


  1. That jet thing would have been loud, but cool!

    I just love Hailey's pink hat. How have you kept it so pristine after all these years?

  2. Jackie,

    What fun! Wish we had something like that where I live. My children would absolutely love it. I am so glad your family was able to spend time together in such a special way.


  3. What a fun time Jackie! You captured so many great photos of it too. :) Your kids are both adorable.

    Blessings to you!
    In His Love,

  4. looks like a great time! We will have to go someday! I think it's cool when the military guys get to show off a bit. They have a pretty tough job.

  5. I can understand why you did not want to pay to get into the rodeo with your "little wigglers" :) I'd have probably only have gone for the free things too. Except the bull, I think I would have had a hard time paying ten bucks for only one minute! Everything looks like so much fun!

  6. Stacie,
    We keep it on the top shelf of her closet and don't let her play with it. It is only for wearing.

    Yes, it was hard to swallow, but Grandma was paying so that was nice. The kids wanted to ride the bull instead of going to the carnival.

  7. Great pictures, Jackie! Was the Cowboy Band still a part of the parade? I danced to George Strait with a handsome fellow way back when I lived there and did that sort of thang..:)

  8. Catherine,
    Oh, yeah! The band was there. I'll have to send you the picture I got of it through snail email. I remember seeing George Strait at the Round Up when I was in high school. Great concert!

  9. That does sound like a great time. i love the cowboy hat. So cute. WE need to start attending more fun local things too. Apple fest is this weekend but of course we have things going on both days so we will miss out.

  10. Love this. Very cool.

    The Houston Rodeo is a big thing here. We went last year. We didn't go to the parade. We watched it on TV.

    Have a wonderful day.

  11. You always capture the greatest moments in your pics and share them so wonderfully! Since our baby was born, I have a new site and I'd love for you to still visit us there! Have a beautiful week!

  12. I'd let them do the bull riding anyday to avoid the carnival! Such cute pictures! Love it that you do the free stuff... that's always my favorite stuff! Your kids are sooo darn cute!

  13. Most years teamsters get free tickets to the Friday rodeo. So keep that in mind. ;))


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