Saturday, October 30, 2010

Hallelujah Party

Instead of celebrating Halloween this year, we decided to attend a Hallelujah Party at local church so the kids could still dress up - something they love to do. I asked them if they missed trick or treating this year and they both gave me a resounding "no". Josiah said he was glad he didn't have to walk and he would much rather play the fun games. I was happy I didn't have to walk, too, because I had sprained my little toe really bad the day before. Was really happy with how Christ-centered the evening was. Thank you, New Song Church! Hailey wanted to be dressed as a princess of course.
Josiah wanted to be a soldier (shocker, I know). This time he was a Marine who was landing on Iwo Jima (famous island battle in WWII for those who might not be up on WWII history). 

Both kids got their faces painted. I loved Josiah's choice, a cross on each cheek. Earlier that day at Lego Club, he and his friend arranged all the tables into the shape of a cross. I thought that was so cute.

They had a youth band who did a skit, then they played music and let everyone dance who wanted to. It was cute watching my kids rock out. I love Christian rock, too. 

Tomorrow, we'll go to our church's Harvest Party, a much more mellow, but meaningful event. So glad we decided to make new traditions this year and that my kids like these better than the old ones. 

Have a Blessed Day everyone!



  1. We are going to the same type of thing tonight. The kids are looking forward to dressing up and playing games. It is such a nice alternative!

  2. The same kind of party will go on at my church today from 2-4 with lots of games and some prizes, etc. It is wonderful to have an appropiate alternative, isn't it? Your kids look DARLING...but you already knew that, didn't you? ;}


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